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Using Social Media to Promote Events By Alan Merriman DL231 N00105318.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Social Media to Promote Events By Alan Merriman DL231 N00105318."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Social Media to Promote Events By Alan Merriman DL231 N00105318

2 History What is Social Media? They appear in many forms including blogs and microblogs, forums and message boards, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds, social bookmarking, tagging and news, writing communities, digital storytelling and scrapbooking, and data, content, image and video sharing, podcast portals, and collective intelligence.

3 There are lots of well-known sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, WordPress, Blogger, Typepad, LiveJournal, Wikipedia, Wetpaint, Wikidot, Second Life,, Digg, Reddit, Lulu and many others.

4 Social Media Timeline 1969-1994 – within these years there were very small steps in the creation of social media. 1998 – Google opens s a major internet search engine 1999 – Friends Reunited 2001 – Wikipedia was launched 2003 – was launched 2004 – Facebook was launched

5 2005 – Bebo launched 2009 – Land mark year for facebook 20011 – Facebook had 550 million users 2011 – Twitter had 65 million people tweeting each day 2013 – Astronauts tweeting from space.

6 Advantages of Promoting Through Social Media 1. Can reach a very broad audience 2. Easy to reach your target market 3. Low Costing 4. Personal 5. Quick 6. Social – People talk about social media

7 Disadvantages of Promoting through Social Media 1. Space Invasion – Social media is very intricate 2. Typo’s 3. Target market receive a lot of event notifications 4. Bad publicity

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