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Health and Safety Culture. History in UCC of detailed work on policies, procedures and implementation and increasingly significant levels of compliance.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Culture. History in UCC of detailed work on policies, procedures and implementation and increasingly significant levels of compliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Culture

2 History in UCC of detailed work on policies, procedures and implementation and increasingly significant levels of compliance Effective reporting structures Functional Area structure – risk assessment and reporting Strongly supportive President and Governing Body and regular reporting

3 Health and Safety Culture 1. Reduce accident rates by improving equipment etc. 2. Reduce further by training and development of staff, SOPs and systems 3. Changes in management and organisation “You cannot legislate for everything, neither can you design a procedure for absolutely everything you do” – HSE [UK] Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast – Peter Drucker

4 Health and Safety Culture Culture – “the mix of shared values, attitudes and patterns of behaviour that give an organisation its particular character” – “the way we do things around here” Critical in dealing with the remaining accident issues that stubbornly still apply every year Affects management and staff behaviour Commitment – “the maximum level you get is equal to the minimum level you show you want to get” – HSE [UK]

5 Components of an Effective Health and Safety Culture Management Commitment – the status given to H&S Visible Management – demonstrating commitment through actions Good Communication Training and Information Staff Involvement Enforcement and Advice A learning organisation

6 Initiatives Group considering the H&S Culture issues Safety Representatives + Safety Office + Buildings and Estates + OCLA Initially H&S Culture Survey Awareness raising “Catch of the Week” + incentive Signage + Your thoughts

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