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Debbies ‘how to write a lit review’ guide This is a summary and you should also work through the weekly PowerPoint's! My comments are on each slide in.

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Presentation on theme: "Debbies ‘how to write a lit review’ guide This is a summary and you should also work through the weekly PowerPoint's! My comments are on each slide in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debbies ‘how to write a lit review’ guide This is a summary and you should also work through the weekly PowerPoint's! My comments are on each slide in pink like this!

2 (a) Research Question ( shortish say 25words ) Then a background paragraph Why is this of interest to you? (200 words) Location/context Of research (300 words) Literature (1000 words) ‘orrible ‘ologies (200/300) Possible methods (300/500) Ethical considerations (300) Timeline/plan/ with short commentary 100/200 Word count stops! References & appendix Mapped version of your project proposal Remind yourself of where the lit review fits in to the whole work

3 Literature review This site blogs an emergent literature review by student Kate Step 1 see how the process works

4 Step 2 Please work through these youtube tutorials

5 Finding literature Finding relevant literature can be made easier if you are able to readily access and draw on a wide variety of resources such as: –reference materials –books –journals –newspapers (not tabloids!!) fun exercise here: – knewspapers.htm knewspapers.htm –official publications Unistats is a good one –archives Step 3 Get your literature

6 Annotating Sources Annotating your sources provides you with a record of relevant literature. It should include: –Full bibliographic details –Who is the author and audience –a short summary –critical commentary –notes on relevance that remind you of the significance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited Step 4 notes When taking notes on the reading include:

7 This is how I start with mine! Step 5 Start to arrange into themes As you read and make notes start to map out links

8 Working with Literature Find it!Manage it!Use it!Review it! Types of literature Available resources Developing research skills Reading critically Keeping notes Reflecting on what you read Choosing topic Developing RQ Theory based Design methods Ensure depth Ensure relevance Ensure range Or work through these stages if you like a more organised apprach

9 Then we start to write! Map out/plan the paragraphs you think you need to cover eg example headings ***this is not a definitive list! (I write with headings and then take them out!) introduction (write this last!) Definitions/ main ideas about my topic paragraph Who has written already about my topic? (were they any good?) Paragraph on history of my topic Contested areas about my topic More Concluding comments on my topic What I would still need to cover on my topic for next year HINT open academic phrasebank and use to help you start your paragraphs Step 6

10 Freewriting Peter Elbow (1998) argues that free-writing encourages students to write at length without fear of censorship. Benefits include: Freedom to explore a topic Demonstrates knowledge Encourages understanding Spelling & grammar (3 min): On writing (9min): 19/08/2009 10 Starting to write Map out your main paragraphs then freewrite one at a time Step 7 HINT: try working in 30 minute blocks of time Step 8 After freewriting and redrafting, use a different 30 minute block to polish your paragraph – work though youtube clips above

11 Finally! Draft, edit, proof read, insert into your main document Make sure you have used the harvard referencing system (multi – media examples available on the blog) plus Anglia Ruskin library pages have a step- by-step guide Write up the full reference list to add to the end of your complete document – it doesn’t count towards the final word count Step 9 Good luck! And don’t forget – you are all smart students and can ALL do this!

12 Resources: LearnHigher – gateway to lots of online tutorials OU guide to information literacy University of Chichester – more online tutorials Debbies’ research project – developing digital literacy skills under evaluation – please do let me know what you think! Please select which resources you need further help with from here ….

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