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IMTEK powerpoint template 2010: forename surname Laboratory for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK University of Freiburg,

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Presentation on theme: "IMTEK powerpoint template 2010: forename surname Laboratory for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK University of Freiburg,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMTEK powerpoint template 2010: forename surname Laboratory for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK University of Freiburg, Germany space for (company) logos – nonobligatory

2 31.xx.2010 Forename Surname - 2 - Structuring a slide by 3 levels Level 1 (sub-headline)  Level 2 (list of features & arguments)  Level 3 (list of features & arguments) Level 1  Can be used as a sub-headline  But please don’t duplicate just the title of the slide Level 2 & 3  Contains a list of 2 to n arguments  Please avoid lists with only one entry

3 31.xx.2010 Forename Surname - 3 - Formatting a slide Changing the levels  Please change the levels only by using  the “TAB” or “shift TAB” button, or  by clicking onto the following symbols  Please do not delete the bullets (it destroys the formatting) Alignment of text with headlines  Slide headline, level 1 and the bullets of level 2 are in a vertical line  If pictures for illustration are used …  put the text to the left and  the picture to the right  as illustrated on the next slide

4 31.xx.2010 Forename Surname - 4 - Alignment: text, headlines, illustrations  Argument 1 within a list of n arguments  Argument 2 within a list of n arguments  Argument 3 within a list of n arguments  Sub-argument 1 within a list of n sub-arguments  Sub-argument 2 within a list of n sub-arguments  Sub-argument 3 within a list of n sub-arguments Illustration => The right side of it should be right-aligned in accordance with the gray line of the headline

5 31.xx.2010 Forename Surname - 5 - Line spacing (1/2) Level 1 (Arial 22, bold; line spacing 0,9 / 1,5 / 0,2 lines before / after / in-between a paragraph)  Level 2 (Arial 20, normal)  Level 2 (line spacing 1 / 0,5 / 0 lines before / after / in-between a paragraph)  Level 3 (Arial 18, normal)  Level 3 (line spacing 1 / 0,2 / 0 lines before / after / in-between a paragraph) Forcing a new line without creating the spacing for a paragraph  press “Strg” & “Enter” for creating a new line

6 31.xx.2010 Forename Surname - 6 - Line spacing (2/2) If the text doesn’t fit to one slide, …  Please don’t change the font size or line spacing  Instead, split the amount of information and distribute it over two slides

7 31.xx.2010 Forename Surname - 7 - Initial letters: capital or small? English  Always start with a capital letter for all levels (level 1 to 3) of text  Continue with small letters for the rest of the text Deutsch  Wenden Sie einfach die Standard- Regeln der deutschen Rechtschreibung an, d.h. das erste Wort und die Hauptwörter sind groß

8 31.xx.2010 Forename Surname - 8 - Conversion of languages Selection “Rechtschreibkorrektur” for English UK, English USA and German, respectively, for all text boxes  in complete presentation by the implemented macro  Extras – Makro – Sicherheit – Sicherheitsstufe mittel Open ppt presentation  Activate macros – Makros aktivieren  Click ALT-F8 and select the macro Activate_to_Change_the_Language  Press “Ausführen”  Press button to select language

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