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1 2 Plant Diversity 3 Plant Parts 4 Transpiration.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2 Plant Diversity 3 Plant Parts 4 Transpiration."— Presentation transcript:


2 1

3 2 Plant Diversity

4 3 Plant Parts

5 4 Transpiration

6 5 Photosynthesis

7 6 Plant Tissues

8 7 Wild Card

9 8 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 9 The 4 major groups of plants evolved from a _________

11 10 What is algae?

12 11 These are plants that lack vascular tissue

13 12 What are bryophytes?

14 13 Which types of plants have seeds?

15 14 What are gymnosperms and angiosperms?

16 15 List the 4 groups of plants from ones that evolved 1 st to the ones that evolved last.

17 16 (Algae) – Bryophytes Seedless Vascular Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms

18 17 Which group of land plants is currently the most successful? What structure is unique to this type of plants?

19 18 Angiosperm - flowers

20 19 This is a waxy covering on plants that helps them resist water loss

21 20 What is cuticle?

22 21 This is what swells into a fruit in an angiosperm

23 22 What is an ovary?

24 23 The name of the male and female reproductive parts in an angiosperm.

25 24 What is stamen (male) and carpel or pistil (female)

26 25

27 26 a. Ovule b. Ovary c. Stigma d. Style e. Carpel f. Anther g. Stamen h. filament i. sepal j. petal a. Ovule b. Ovary c. Stigma d. Style e. Carpel f. Anther g. Stamen h. filament i. sepal j. petal

28 27 What is the structure that produces male gametophytes (sperm) in moss called?

29 28 Antheridia (remember that archegonia is female)

30 29 The opening in the leaves where plants exchange gasses

31 30 What are stomata

32 31 A = B =

33 32 A = guard cells B = stomata

34 33 What gasses have a net movement out of the stomata?

35 34 What is O2 and water?

36 35

37 36 Describe 3 adaptations plants have for conserving water.

38 37 1) Cuticle 2) Stomata that open and close 3) Timing of stomata opening etc.

39 38 What is the name of the property of water that allows it to stick together for transpiration to occur?

40 39 What is cohesion

41 40 What are the reactants in photosynthesis?

42 41 What are CO2 and H2O?

43 42 What are the products in photosynthesis?

44 43 Glucose and oxygen C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2

45 44 What is the name of the organelle where photosynthesis occurs?

46 45 Chloroplast

47 46 What is the name of the pigment that is dominant in photosynthesis?

48 47 What is chlorophyll…more like borophyll

49 48 List 2 reasons photosynthesis is important to humans.

50 49 What is oxygen and food!!!!!

51 50 What type of plant tissue transports water?

52 51 What is xylem (vascular)

53 52 This is the type of tissue that creates new plant cells and has rapid cell division

54 53 What is meristematic

55 54 What is the type of tissue that carries sugar in the cell?

56 55 What is phloem?

57 56 Name 2 functions of roots

58 57 What is stability, get water, etc…

59 58

60 59 What is the name of the cells that are on the surface of the leaf?

61 60 Type Subject 5 $500 Question Here

62 61 A plants response to gravity

63 62 What is gravitropism?

64 63 The part of the plant life cycle that is haploid (N) (gametophyte or sporophyte)

65 64 What is gametophyte?

66 65 A plant’s response to touch

67 66 What is thigmatropism?

68 67 A substance produced in one area in a plant and used in another

69 68 What is hormone

70 69 Why do leaves change colors in the fall?

71 70 What is chlorophyll breaks down.

72 71

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