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P UBLIC H EARING O N C ONDITIONAL G RANTS & C APITAL E XPENDITURE Cape Town, 25.08.2010 M.E.C. Luisa Mabe North West Province.

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Presentation on theme: "P UBLIC H EARING O N C ONDITIONAL G RANTS & C APITAL E XPENDITURE Cape Town, 25.08.2010 M.E.C. Luisa Mabe North West Province."— Presentation transcript:

1 P UBLIC H EARING O N C ONDITIONAL G RANTS & C APITAL E XPENDITURE Cape Town, 25.08.2010 M.E.C. Luisa Mabe North West Province

2 I NDEX 1. Introduction 2. Grants allocations, transfers and expenditure 3. Analysis of budget and expenditure 4. Reasons for under-spending 5. Plans to address shortcomings 6. Monitoring capacity 7. Conclusion

3 I NTRODUCTION The Department is an implementing agent for SRSA in delivering its mandate The objectives of the grant is being achieved by providing accessible, sustainable sport and recreation programmes The grant further assist the NWP in providing resources, building the capacity of communities & schools sport development.

4 I NTRODUCTION It further assists NWP to address key priorities of government namely creation of descent jobs, education, social cohesion, chronic diseases, crime and improving the nation’s health profile. etc The Department strives to comply with the prescripts & the regulatory framework of DORA In keeping to compliance to prescripts the DSAC has received an unqualified audit report for the 5 th consecutive time

5 Current G rants a llocations, t ransfers & e xpenditure PROGRAMME BUDGETEXPENDITUREBUDGET AVAILABLE Siyadlala 12,000,000495,43211,504,568 School Sport 8, 000,000614,3787,385,622 Legacy 14, 022, 0001,398,07012,623,930 TOTAL 34, 022,0002,507,88031,514,120


7 REASONS FOR UNDERSPENDING EXPENDITURE TRENDS Mass Sport and Recreation Grants Siyadlala ◦Budget expenditure is not on course ◦The DSAC has not yet appointed 95 Sport Coordinators and Administrators due to a pending litigation ◦This delay in appointments has impacted negatively on procurement of equipment and attire to implement Siyadlala ◦Implementation of activities in Siyadlala is equally hampered due to the pending confirmation of the rollover of funds

8 REASONS FOR UNDERSPENDING EXPENDITURE TRENDS Mass Sport and Recreation Grants School Sport ◦Budget expenditure on school sport programme is not on course. ◦Appointment of 110 Sport Assistants and Administrators is delayed due to the pending litigation ◦This delay has impacted negatively on the procurement of equipment and attire to implement the programme ◦Delay in approval of rollover of funds has also affected implementation of activities

9 REASONS FOR UNDERSPENDING EXPENDITURE TRENDS Mass Sport and Recreation Grants Legacy ◦There is budget under-spending on this programme. ◦The DSAC has not yet appointed 45 Sport Development Officers and Administrators due to the pending litigation. ◦This has impacted on the procurement of equipment and attire to implement the programme ◦Also, delayed approval of rollover of funds prevented implementation of activities

10 P LANS T O A DDRESS S HORTCOMINGS Resolution on litigation/political intervention Recovery Plan developed and approved (Attached). Submissions on tenders for training has been approved and awaiting the confirmation of rollover budget. Established M&E, Policy & Research Units in the Dept

11 M ONITORING C APACITY MMIS – Management & Monitoring Information System is in place ◦The tool is effective and efficient in the monitoring and evaluation of projects In-year budgeting and monitoring system as per PFMA & Treasury regulations is happening We have decided on weekly, monthly and quarterly reporting to improve on early detection and interventions

12 M ONITORING C APACITY – Cont. Strategic, Operational, Annual Performance Plans, Financial reports are also useful in this regard Internal audit & the Auditor General’s reports assist the Department in enhancing service delivery Implementation and alignment with the Departmental Monitoring Tools is important Reporting Procedure Manual is handy in monitoring activities

13 C ONCLUSION Department will do its best to fast-track and turn around this situation to deliver on the recovery plan for Mass Participation Programmes I thank you!

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