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Ofsted update 15 November 2013. Ofsted Framework- Focus of inspections Overall effectiveness –Achievement of pupils at the school –Quality of teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Ofsted update 15 November 2013. Ofsted Framework- Focus of inspections Overall effectiveness –Achievement of pupils at the school –Quality of teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ofsted update 15 November 2013

2 Ofsted Framework- Focus of inspections Overall effectiveness –Achievement of pupils at the school –Quality of teaching in the school –Behaviour and safety of pupils at the school –Quality of leadership in, and management of, the school

3 Major changes to the framework - 2013 Achievement of pupils at the school –attainment and progress of various groups –numbers of Pupil Premium, EAL, SEN, G&T and their progress –provide case studies of pupils progress from baseline e.g. EYG or previous KS Quality of leadership in, and management of, the school –curriculum providing IAG on next steps in training, education or employment Behaviour and Safety –behaviour in and across all groups of pupils attitudes is defining feature for grading

4 Level of achievement?


6 Myscience self-evaluation tool Pupil outcomes as defining feature 1.Are the proportions of pupils making expected progress and the proportions exceeding expected progress in science high compared with national figures and each different starting point? 2.Are the proportions of pupils making expected progress, and the proportions exceeding expected progress in science are close to or above national figures and each starting point ? 3.Are the proportions of pupils making expected progress, and the proportions exceeding expected progress in science consistently below national figures and show little improvement from each different starting point? 4.Are groups of pupils, particularly disabled pupils and/or those who have special educational needs and/or those for whom the pupil premium provides support, and/or the most able, underachieving?

7 Implications for CPD Identifying and tracking progress of different groups of pupils and how teaching is improving their learning Progress of pupil premium pupils – how to show and record progress Careers Information and Guidance – how to do this in and through lessons/ curriculum Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes is defining feature for grading

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