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Work-Related Forms and Laws Chapter 5. Form W-4 Fill out when you begin work. You will be asked: ◦ Your name ◦ Address ◦ Social Security # ◦ Marital status.

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Presentation on theme: "Work-Related Forms and Laws Chapter 5. Form W-4 Fill out when you begin work. You will be asked: ◦ Your name ◦ Address ◦ Social Security # ◦ Marital status."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work-Related Forms and Laws Chapter 5

2 Form W-4 Fill out when you begin work. You will be asked: ◦ Your name ◦ Address ◦ Social Security # ◦ Marital status ◦ Number of exemptions Determines amount your employer will withhold from paycheck for income taxes

3 Form W-4 Allowances ◦ Reductions in the amount of tax withheld from your paycheck ◦ The more allowances you claim, the less tax withheld ◦ EXEMPT status: available only to people who will not earn enough money to owe federal income tax = NO MONEY WILL BE WITHHELD

4 Social Security Forms Social Security #: you permanent work identification number Employers take withhold SS taxes from your check and match that amount When you become eligible, usually at retirement, the money will be yours. Will SS be there for you when you retire??? Why or why not???

5 Work Permit Application Required for minors ◦ Can get from office ◦ Information needed:  SS #  Proof of age  Parent/guardian signature.  Allow time for processing.

6 Form W-2 Shows… ◦ Summary of the income you earned during the year. ◦ All amounts employer withheld for taxes Compare to your paycheck stubs to make sure information is accurate Must receive from employer Jan. 31 Need to file with your tax return.

7 Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form Purpose: verify employee’s identity and eligibility to work in the U.S.

8 EMPLOYMENT LAWS Social Security Act ◦ Provided federal aid for the elderly and for disabled workers. ◦ Old age retirement income, survivorship income, disability income, and health insurance ◦ How much you get depends on how much you contribute

9 EMPLOYMENT LAWS Unemployment Compensation ◦ Every state required to have program. ◦ Provides benefits to workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. ◦ Each state has different waiting periods, maximum benefits, and deadlines for filing claims.

10 EMPLOYMENT LAWS Fair Labor Standards Act ◦ Established federal minimum wage ◦ Current?  $7.25 ◦ State minimum wage varies  State by State State by State

11 EMPLOYMENT LAWS Worker’s Compensation ◦ Insurance program that pays benefits to workers and/or families for injury, death, or illness as the result of employment. ◦ Include payments to doctors, hospitals, to the employee for temporary or permanent disability, and to survivors in the event of death.

12 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES ◦ To employers Competent Work Punctuality Pleasant Attitude Loyalty and Respect Dependability Take initiative Show an interest Self-evaluation

13 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES ◦ To other employees Teamwork Thoughtfulness Loyalty ◦ To customers Helpfulness Courtesy and Respect

14 EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES ◦ To employees Adequate supervision Fair human resource policies Safe working conditions Open channels of communication Recognition of achievement

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