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Katherine Bruce and Valerie Kristofic

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Presentation on theme: "Katherine Bruce and Valerie Kristofic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Katherine Bruce and Valerie Kristofic
The Importance of 3D Printing Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Tissue Engineering Katherine Bruce and Valerie Kristofic

2 The Cell Shortage: Regenerative Medicine’s Largest Problem
Over the last decade, the number of people on the organ donor list has reached over 120,000

3 Overview A review of the technology involved in 3D bioprinting
Mesenchymal stem cells Different approaches to 3D bioprinting Materials required for 3D bioprinting Sustainability of 3D bioprinting Direct applications of 3D bioprinting Ethical concerns Technology’s future

4 A Review of 3D Bioprinting Technology and Mesenchymal Stem Cells

5 3D Printing Basics 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process, meaning that it creates products layer-by-layer, and it does not require the destruction and manipulation of a larger source. 3D printing renders digital blueprints to 3D models

6 Mesenchymal Stem Cells

7 How 3D Bioprinting Applies to Tissue Regeneration
Using current methods, only thin and hollow organs such as blood vessels and gastrointestinal tracts are being generated Larger structures are also more prone to collapse, and make the precise delivery of cells more difficult Immune responses are also often provoked when organ donations are integrated into the patient

8 Different Approaches to 3D Bioprinting
Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printer Inkjet 3D Printer

9 The Materials Used in 3D Bioprinting

10 Hydrogels and Bioinks

11 Advantages of 3D Bioprinting Over Current Methods
Commonly used materials are low cost Most 3D printers are easy to operate 3D printing is surrounded by an open source and collaborative design culture Single printers are able to handle a wide range of materials Inexpensive prototyping Growing technology and demand for experts creates more jobs

12 Sustainability of 3D Printed Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Affordability and realistic application is always a concern with new technologies and ideas 3D Bioprinting adds to the movement of environmentally conscious manufacturing and increases the quality of life of those who choose to use it 3D printing medical components was identified as one of the five key markets by 2025 by the McKinsey Global Institute

13 Manufacturing Waste Reduction
A layer by layer approach Subtractive manufacturing creates large amounts of raw- material related Up to 40% of the raw-material related waste can be avoided 95-98% of the 3D printed by-product raw material can be reused 3D printing eliminates the need for tools or molds The need for custom parts is much smaller

14 Higher Replacement Organ Acceptance Rate
High demand for organ donors Relatively easy to donate the tissue for some organs For large organs, it becomes more complicated Only simple tissues, including skin, bone, and cartilage, can be engineered in a laboratory Many people and laboratories are interested in solving the organ shortage problem Research working to remove the need for skin grafts No issues with rejection and no need for anti-rejection drugs

15 Direct Applications of 3D Bioprinting
ACL reconstruction 3D printing of the scaffolds Bone regeneration The application to tissue engineering Many of mesenchymal stem cell’s areas of differentiation overlap with tissue types that are in high demand in medicine

16 ACL Reconstruction Zhejiang University School of Medicine in China
ACL reconstruction in rabbits Bioabsorbable screws “Mesenchymal stem cells [are] known as one of the most optimal cell sources for ACL regeneration due to their high potential for proliferation and collagen production”

17 Scaffold Printing University of Maryland, College Park
Scaffold with cube-shaped pores Mesenchymal stem cells can be used in bioprinting Biodegradable polymer Mesenchymal stem cells were able to grow and survive on the scaffold Advantageous to the adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic mesenchymal stem cell lineages

18 Bone Regeneration University of Santiago and the Technical University of Munich Developing a new material for fused deposition modeling Dexamethasone released in a controlled manner Tested using an environmental test chamber and a solid torsion kit The cells grew consistently throughout the 21-day culture period

19 Cartilage Tissue Engineering
National Taiwan University, National Central University in Taiwan, and the Taipei Medical University Water-based 3D printing method Fused deposition modeling Additional tests performed on New Zealand white rabbits using rabbit mesenchymal stem cells The “bioactive scaffolds” allowed the mesenchymal stem cells to grow without pre-wetting the scaffold The rabbit tests showed improved cartilage regeneration

20 Ethical Issues Some believe that a human embryo is a person and that life should be preserved, and therefore the destruction of an embryo for the purpose of research is murder Governmental organizations have gotten involved and passed laws, which make the availability of embryonic stem cells for research purposes very limited It is important to allow researchers to use mesenchymal stem cells in research

21 Embryonic Stem Cells Embryonic stem cells are different from mesenchymal stem cells Members of the general public may not understand that there are different types of stem cells when they voice their opinions about the use of stem cells in research Religious organizations hold varying views Mesenchymal stem cells are adult stem cells that are free from ethical concerns Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into a variety of types of specialized cells

22 3D Bioprinting Further ethical issues are raised by 3D bioprinting in general Personalized medicine generally costs more than traditional treatments Hard to test treatments that are individualized for each patient Whether or not 3D bioprinting should be used for human enhancement These issues will be more applicable in the future

23 The Future of Regenerative Medicine
Effective methods of tissue regeneration would be highly advantageous for the medical community Mesenchymal stem cells allow flexibility in the types of tissues that researchers are able to produce Direct applications include more stable scaffolds, ACL reconstruction, bone regeneration, and cartilage tissue engineering

24 The Future of Regenerative Medicine
The ability to build complex organs using the patient's own cells will become a sustainable reality Higher probability of organ acceptance Reduction of waste Cost efficiency

25 Questions?

26 Sources
3d-printer-2/ thermal-print-heads/

27 Sources
porcine-recovery/perfusion-decellularization/ print-micro-organs-with.html

28 Sources
lead-0 device-that-has-killed-nine/

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