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Lasar’s U2 a great writer With 8 EZ rules!. Words and your brain  Lady Gaga; World Trade Center; God; a chili cheeseburger; parking lot turkey; cat video;

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Presentation on theme: "Lasar’s U2 a great writer With 8 EZ rules!. Words and your brain  Lady Gaga; World Trade Center; God; a chili cheeseburger; parking lot turkey; cat video;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lasar’s U2 a great writer With 8 EZ rules!

2 Words and your brain  Lady Gaga; World Trade Center; God; a chili cheeseburger; parking lot turkey; cat video; Romeo and Juliet; money; lots of money; Paris; Halo 5....

3 Writing is the most powerful multimedia tool ever invented “Mrs. Daughtry walked into the living room. There on the sofa sat young Alvin the accountant, with a confident expression on his face.” Words + your

4 Writing is the most powerful multimedia tool ever invented “Mrs. Daughtry walked into the living room. There on the sofa sat young Lars the pool boy, with a confident expression on his face.” Words + your

5 1. Use active verbs  Avoid overuse of “is,” “was,” “are,” and “were.

6  Martin Gaye: “I heard it through the grape vine.”  Your typical UCSC student: “It was heard by me through the grape vine.”

7 1. Active verbs make your writing simpler:  This is articulated by Du Bois when he writes that the “color line” represents the main problem of the 20 th century.  Du Bois writes that the “color line” represents the main challenge of the 20 th century.

8 Passive verbs make your sentences more interesting  She was better than anyone else at chess.  She dominated her dorm floor at chess.  Her roommates feared her prowess at chess.  She totally clobbered us at chess.

9 Passive verbs often deflect responsibility  “Mistakes were made.”  “Torture was used.”  “Slavery was introduced.”  “Stealing was discovered.”

10 2. Use simpler words  Why use “utilize” when you can use the word “use”?  Endeavor (try)  Erroneous (wrong)  Facilitate (help)  Cognizant (aware)

11 3. Use shorter sentences  If your sentence runs on for more than three lines the chances are that it is too long, at least that’s what I think about this aspect of writing and I’ve been doing it for a while, trust me on this, no, really.

12 4. Do not use cliches  “The café was a mecca for local artists and intellectuals.”  “It was the mother of all party battles.”  “Having spent his political capital, Grover Cleveland would now have to pay the electoral piper.”  “Descartes began to think outside the box.”

13 5. Do not use jargon  Problematize  Paradigm  Paradigmatic of  Text  Binary opposition  Deconstruct  Discursive  subjectivities

14 6. Start your essay with an interesting first sentence  No: “The economy affects our lives on a daily basis.”  Yes: “Until recently economists assumed the Crash of 1929 caused the Great Depression, but now they question that theory.”  Tell your reader something that they do not know in the first sentence

15 7. Do not plagiarize  If you directly copy some text, you must put it in quotes and reference it.  Otherwise you have plagiarized.

16 You need to learn to write  Once upon a time I was a private eye...

17 Why people fear writing  Afraid they’ll write badly.  Afraid they’ll be wrong.  Afraid they have nothing to say.

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