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OBJECTIVE AND OUTCOMES Objective: To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images. Outcomes:

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Presentation on theme: "OBJECTIVE AND OUTCOMES Objective: To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images. Outcomes:"— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVE AND OUTCOMES Objective: To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images. Outcomes: I am able to create a simple binary picture. I understand how Metadata works in the recreation of pictures. I can use my knowledge to answer GCSE style questions.


4 WHAT IS THIS - ANSWER To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images.

5 IMAGES Images are made up of lots of different coloured squares! The amount of colours an image has depends on the “bits of the image” A “1 bit” imageA “2 bit” image 1 0 01 10 00 11 0000 0001 0011 0111 1111 0100 0110 0111 0010 0011 0001 1000 1100 1110 0101 1010 Each different possible combination of binary relates to a different colour. You can work out the number of colours by multiplying the number of “bits” by the power of 2 A “4 bit” image

6 TASK – USING THE RESOURCE PROVIDED To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images.

7 MINI PLENARY Ask the person next to you to check your work have you done it correctly? Can you explain how the picture is made up and why? To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images.

8 METADATA Metadata contains the data needed for the computer to recreate an image. It usually contains its height in pixels, width in pixels and the colour depth. So for the image we have just created it would be. Why? Metadata Width 1000 Height 10101 Colour Depth 100 To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images.

9 TASK TWO Can you work out the metadata for the following four files? 10100101, 00100111, 10000000 (Convert to Denary) 00100101, 10010111, 00001000 (Convert to Denary) 254, 128, 16 (Convert to Binary) 128, 56, 8 (Convert to Binary A2, 3B, 8 Complete another picture … this time create it yourself.

10 PLENARY In pairs discuss the following; your teacher will ask some of you for the answers. What metadata is stored with an image file? If an image has its colour depth decreased – What happens? How many colours can be displayed with a 4 bit colour depth and why? To be able to create images in binary format and understand the part metadata plays in recreating images.

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