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A Peak into PARCC: Analysis of Test Items and Tools on the ELA PBA Content courtesy of Dr. Eric Hibbs, Superintendent Marlboro School District

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Presentation on theme: "A Peak into PARCC: Analysis of Test Items and Tools on the ELA PBA Content courtesy of Dr. Eric Hibbs, Superintendent Marlboro School District"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Peak into PARCC: Analysis of Test Items and Tools on the ELA PBA Content courtesy of Dr. Eric Hibbs, Superintendent Marlboro School District ge=67355

2 What does PARCC stand for? Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers.

3 Performance Based Assessment ● Given after 75% of the school year ● The testing window will be March 2 nd – March 27 th ● Extended tasks, applications of concepts and skills ● ELA - Writing effectively when analyzing text; research simulation ● Math - Solving multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance and strategic use of tools

4 End of Year ● Given after 90% of the school year ● The testing window will be April 27 th – May 22 nd. ● Innovative, short-answer items ● ELA - Reading comprehension ● Math - Short items that address both concepts and skills

5 Tools Within PARCC The following slides demonstrate the tools that students are expected to utilize within the PARCC framework

6 Tools The PBA ELA assessment has several tools that students must be able to use effectively. Here is a picture of the top toolbar. This is the pointer. It will allow you to highlight important information in four colors. This is an answer eliminator. These two buttons navigate to the next and previous question This is where specific IEP/504 accommodations can be found.

7 Tools Here are pictures of the tools. ● Notice how students can eliminate answers they deem incorrect. ● The arrow tool allows students to select information and highlight it within the problem.

8 Highlighter ● If you “double-click” information in the test or select word(s), a highlighter will open up. ● You will have the option of highlighting in white, yellow, pink, and blue. Highlight Away!

9 Review and Flag ● Click on the “Review” button in order to see all questions in your current section. ● You will see the status of the question. o This will tell you whether or not you answered it. ● You also will see if you “Flagged” the question. o On each individual question, you can hit the “Flag” button. You can do this so you remember to go back.

10 Review and Flag ● Make sure to really understand how this works. ● If you answer a question, this will appear in the “Status” section... ● If you viewed the question but didn’t answer, this will appear in the “Status” section... ● If you did not view, then this will appear...

11 Review and Flag Overall Picture... ● Notice the three options ● - ● Notice also the View button ● This will allow you to view each individual question from your section. ● Also notice you can toggle between three separate views. You can see... ○ All ○ Not Answered ○ Flagged

12 Review and Flag In order to return to the question from where you left off, click on the blue “Return to Question” button (see below)

13 Magnifier Located in the upper right tab. The tool selected will be checked.

14 Line Reader Also located in the upper right tab. Controls width of green section Controls width of line reader

15 Line Reader Increase size of line reader by using triangle.

16 Writing Rubrics ● Draft rubrics have been made available ● Some rubrics are the same across grade levels ○ Grade 3 Rubric ○ Grades 4 & 5 Rubric ○ Grades 6-11 Rubric

17 Writing Rubrics ● All rubrics have 5 point values ranging from scores of 0-4 (from lowest to highest achievement) ● Grades 3 & 4 are neither able nor expected to receive a score of a 4 in the reading portion of the rubric

18 Writing Rubrics ● Rubrics are assessing two major areas ○ Reading - Comprehension of key ideas and details ○ Writing - Written expression ○ Writing - Knowledge of language and conventions

19 Question Types ● The following slides are examples of the types of questions students will see at varying grade levels ● Each question type is coded by grade and question number in parenthesis ○ EX: (G3Q4= Grade 3 Question #4)

20 Drag and Drop Drag these and drop below

21 Drop Down 2 Drop downs in Part A

22 Drop Down (Continued) 2 additional drop downs in Part B

23 Circle = 1 Answer; Box = more than 1 Answer Circle Box

24 Constructed Response Students will be expected to respond by typing in the text box using the familiar toolbar for bold, italics, etc (G3Q13)

25 Constructed Response As noted in the directions at the beginning of the test, “there is more space available than what can be viewed in the box.”

26 Text Dependent Evidence Students are asked to select multiple phrases that support evidence from the text.

27 Text Dependent Evidence ● Blue highlight = not answered; yellow highlight = answered ● To deselect an answer click on it again and it will turn back to blue (G4Q2)

28 Multiple Texts Use the tabs at the top of the page to toggle between texts (G3Q7)

29 Analyzing Passage and Poetry (G4Q6) Students must match structural elements Before After; Notice the boxes increase in size to accommodate additional answers

30 Drag and Drop (G4Q10) Before After Notice, use the “X” if you make a mistake.

31 Viewing Video (G4Q15) Notice directions to a specific time in the video to answer a questions.

32 Synthesize Multiple Sources (G4Q17) Click on one tab at a time to toggle back and forth.

33 Comparing Narrator vs. Character (G5Q3) ● Drag and drop by analysis of many characters within a text

34 Cause and Effect (G5Q10) Drag and Drop to complete cause and effect graphic organizer Before answering After answering

35 Drag and Drop Synthesis of Text (G5Q14) Two Texts

36 Synthesis of Texts and Video (G5Q17) Two texts and one video Required to use all 3 sources

37 Drag and Drop Sequence of Events (G5Q20) Drag and drop sequence of events. Notice not all answer choices are used

38 Drag and Drop Elements of Plot (G6Q5)

39 Drag and Drop Two parts (G6Q9) This is a two part question: 1. Identify strategy that supports author’s claim 2. Select evidence to support author’s claim

40 Common Central Ideas in 3 Texts (G6Q16) Before After; Answers in yellow

41 Scrolling within Text (G7Q8) Notice the scroll bar within the text

42 Glossary of PARCC Terms ● Analytic Writing - Writing that uses evidence and logical integration of concepts to convey an idea ● Anchor Text - On the ELA assessment, students are asked to analyze a topic by using several texts. The text that introduces the topic is called the anchor text

43 Glossary of PARCC Terms ● Prose Constructed Response (PCR) - Students are required to produce written prose in response to a prompt ● Technology Enhanced Constructed Response (TECR) - Test items that use technology to capture student comprehension of texts by using features such as the highlighting tool or drag/drop

44 Glossary of PARCC Terms ● Technology Enhanced Items (TEI) - Items that take advantage of computer-based environment to present situations and capture responses otherwise impossible with paper and pencil

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