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Troll’s Bridge Rainbow Class Make…………. Accuracy at all times! I want it exactly there Isaac!!

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Presentation on theme: "Troll’s Bridge Rainbow Class Make…………. Accuracy at all times! I want it exactly there Isaac!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Troll’s Bridge Rainbow Class Make…………

2 Accuracy at all times! I want it exactly there Isaac!!

3 Cardboard City Mmm….. So this time it’s a bridge!

4 Now for the planks Nicholas and Thomas made sure these were “made to measure” Got to get it just right!

5 We came, we hack-sawed…..

6 We conquered We all loved this. Though Mrs B insisted on regularly counting fingers!! No need to, everyone was really sensible.

7 Bridges and all the trimmings! Don’t tell Beryl!!!! Got to get this cleaned up before the caretaker sees it. Anyone seen a dustpan and brush?

8 More support needed! Florence suffers skateboard ramp syndrome! Now she knows how the editor felt.

9 Bridge of sighs Oh…. can we get this right? Working in pairs We cracked lots of problems together. All the bridges were turning out differently.

10 Big bridge for a big Troll This would hold all three goats at once even if they were in a tank!! And then some!!!

11 Planks for the memory. Careful sticking ensured a neat finish. Look at the concentration!!

12 Bridge not ramp Florence overcomes her “skate ramp” difficulties by working out a way of supporting the middle.

13 High on a Hill……. They’re not looking much like goats at the moment!! Yodel ley Yodell lay Yodeleigh. Where’s the spell check?

14 The Carpenters We’ve only just begun…….and still have all our fingers

15 Who’s that trip trapping? No trolls yet but the bridges are taking shape.

16 This is like the Forth Bridge! Any more paint? Many hands make light work!

17 This is like the Fifth Bridge!!! Many, many hands make light work!!!!

18 Finishing Touches Polly and Georgia add their finishing touches.

19 Florence checks the instructions How to make the hinge for the Troll? Any tips in here?

20 A bridge too far? Once again we found there was more than one way to do this Loads of problems solved and hugely enjoyable!!

21 Did they not read the sign? Three very startled Billy Goats wish they’d taken more notice of letters and sounds! One troll looking forward to lunch.

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