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Focus Question: What were the effects of the exchanges at Calicut? Major Topics Addressed in this Lesson: Spices & trade goods Indian Ocean trade patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus Question: What were the effects of the exchanges at Calicut? Major Topics Addressed in this Lesson: Spices & trade goods Indian Ocean trade patterns."— Presentation transcript:


2 Focus Question: What were the effects of the exchanges at Calicut? Major Topics Addressed in this Lesson: Spices & trade goods Indian Ocean trade patterns Cultural encounters at Calicut Spread of cultural and religious influences in South and Southeast Asia Gangaikondacolapuram Temple, Chola Dynasty, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. Photograph by Benjam í n Preciado, Centro de Estudios de Asia y Á frica de El Colegio de M é xico, Wikipedia Commons, Benjam í n PreciadoCentro de Estudios de Asia y Á frica de El Colegio de M é xico

3 The Big Ideas:  Motivation, experiences and effects on the region by multiple groups of travelers and traders  Student skill – Close Read What to do with students:  Practice Close Reading  Number paragraphs  Underline unfamiliar words & highlight important points  Discuss “Questions for Consideration” with partners



6 The Big Ideas:  Student Skills  Read primary sources, analyze through discussion, and chart results  Identify point of view and understand multiple perspectives What to do with students  Option A: Students have sources (6.7 and 6.8) and work in groups to analyze, discuss and chart results  Option B: Students do a gallery walk of sources and discuss/chart individually or as teams Ship relief at Borobudur. Courtesy of Michael Vann, California State University, Sacramento.



9 SE6.8.11: Vasco da Gama


11 The Big Idea:  Bring all of the information together in a formally written response to the focus question What to do with students:  Option A: In groups students discuss the prompt and their notes (chart), then write a response individually. Note: the written piece could be a detailed paragraph or an essay; the focus question allows for both.  Option B: Groups of students could write a response of the focus question about one group and share out to the class. They would then get information on other experiences/points of view from different student groups.  Student Handout 6.9 could be used to help focus students or used as a rough draft tool “Depiction of First Squadron (led by Vasco da Gama) of 4 th Portuguese India Armada (1502) from the ‘Libro das Armadas’,” photography by Walrasiad, 2010. (Academia de Ciencias de Lisboa.) Wikipedia Commons,

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