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BACTERIA CHAPTER 18. PROPERTIES 1. Bacteria are classified into two kingdoms: Eubacteria (true bacteria) Archaebacteria (extremeophiles). 2. the lack.

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Presentation on theme: "BACTERIA CHAPTER 18. PROPERTIES 1. Bacteria are classified into two kingdoms: Eubacteria (true bacteria) Archaebacteria (extremeophiles). 2. the lack."— Presentation transcript:


2 PROPERTIES 1. Bacteria are classified into two kingdoms: Eubacteria (true bacteria) Archaebacteria (extremeophiles). 2. the lack of a cell nucleus (prokaryotes)

3 Kingdom Archaebacteria ( EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS) 1) live in environments that lack oxygen; 2)high concentrations of salts; muddy swamps; volcanic vents in ocean floor

4 Kingdom Eubacteria ( True Bacteria) NUTRITION AND NEEDS 1) heterotrophs- obtain food from other organisms ( living- paristic or dead saprophtic) 2) autotrophs– ( Cyanobacteria) make own food by photosynthesis 3) Chemosynthetic– make own food by using chemical ( nitrogen gas) ; nitrogen fixing bacteria 4) AEROBIC- live in presence of oxygen 5) Anaerobic- live without oxygen 6) Endospores- some produce this structure to protect against unfavorable environmental conditions

5 STRUCTURE-label diagram

6 FUNCTION OF STRUCTURES- write on bottom of diagram 1)Capsule- gelatin material around some bacteria’s cell wall ; protection 2) cell wall – made of glycoproteins ; gives shape and prevents bursting due to osmosis 3) ( Nucleiod)- single circular chromosome; contains most genes 4) flagellum- some use for movement 5) plasmid- round chromosome piece; genes 6) pilus- some have for use attachment or sexual reproduction 7) plasma membrane- controls what enters and leaves

7 Naming BACTERIA (genus) 1) GROUPING Staph - in clusters Strep - in chains Diplo– group of 2 2) SHAPE/ Cocci - sphere Bacilli - rods Spirilla – spirals Species name usually disease causes

8 sketch 1) staphlococcus 2) streptococcus 3) diplococcus 4) staphlobacillus 5) streptobacillus 6) diplospirillum

9 GRAM STAIN ( staining technique based on types of material in cell wall) Gram positive (+)– stained purple Gram negitive (-)- stained pink _ neg + pos

10 REPRODUCTIVE METHODS 2 METHODS 1) BINARY FISSION ( asexual)– division of chromosome ; identical copy 2) CONJUGATION ( sexual) – exchange of DNA through pilus by connecting Binary fisson

11 IMPORTANCE OF BACTERIA 1) NITROGEN FIXATION- convert Nitrogen gas into nitrates which plants can use 2) RECYCLE NUTRIENTS- decompostion of dead organisms recycles carbon and other elements 3) FOOD AND MEDICINE- cheese, yogurt, antibiotics( streptomycin, erthromycin) 4) HUMAN DIGESTION- E.Coli produces enzymes to digest lactose

12 DiseaseS caused by bacteria ANTHRAX Botulism Diphteria Gonorrhea Pneumonia Tetanus Whooping Cough Streph Throat Typhoid Fever

13 CONTROLLING BACTERIA GROWTH 1) Antiseptics – lysol, alcohol, listerine 2) Antibiotics- –A)Penicillin ( interferes with cell wall growth) –B) Tetracycline- ( interferes with protein synthesis) 3) Within body Immune cells

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