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The Protestant Reformation. Read the Lutheran Sparks the Protestant Reformation handout. Fill out the Martin Luther Analysis organizer while reading.

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Presentation on theme: "The Protestant Reformation. Read the Lutheran Sparks the Protestant Reformation handout. Fill out the Martin Luther Analysis organizer while reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Protestant Reformation

2 Read the Lutheran Sparks the Protestant Reformation handout. Fill out the Martin Luther Analysis organizer while reading. There are multiple answers per box. The analysis will be turned in for a grade. May be used for activity game so fill out thoroughly.

3 Martin Luther, a monk from Wittenberg in Germany began to criticize the power and corruption of the Catholic church in 1517. Luther demanded reform of the church.

4 About 1000 years, Christians in Western Europe belonged to the Catholic Church. The center was Rome. Pope was the head of the church. His views on religious doctrine were regarded as FINAL.

5 Major political and military power in Western Europe. Unending church fees, dues, taxes, tithes paid to enrich Rome.

6 Martin Luther stood up against the church and pope…ALONE! Belief in the Bible, Jesus Christ, and God is only way to being saved.

7 October 31, 1517 Letter to archbishop about indulgences. Criticisms of other church practices. Legend that Luther nailed this to the Wittenberg church door.

8 Ninety-Five Theses becomes sensation. Johann Gutenberg’s moveable type printing produces many writings by Luther. Luther supporters known as Protestants because they protested against the church.

9 Luther translated New Testament into German so all literate persons could read word of God. Believe everyone including women should be educated to read the Bible. Gained most favor in northern Holy Roman Empire. Protestants eventually split into many different churches.

10 Holy Roman empire divided between Protestant north and Catholic south. Religious minorities were persecuted. Protestants emphasized on literacy, education, and hard work. Protestant churches based on Christian faith arose all over western Europe and later in America.

11 Catholics Charlotte Nate Adi Amanda Levi Samantha Jesse Kristen Charles Liz Protestants Kevin Danny Aisha Christian Cassandra Jason Cassidy Brittnye Dario DeAnna

12 If a debt could not be paid to the Catholic church, members were threatened with what?

13 Excommunication

14 What was an indulgence and what did it do?

15 A certificate from a bishop or pope who forgave a person’s sins. By making a donation to the church people could “buy their way into heaven.

16 What was Martin Luther’s opinion of “works” and how did he feel a person could be saved?

17 Martin Luther felt that works were worthless and a fraud. A person could be saved by personal faith and the grace of God.

18 How did Martin Luther & Johann Gutenberg bring the New Testament to more people of the German society?

19 Gutenberg created movable-type printing which allowed Luther to translate the New Testament into German from Latin, so all literate people could read the word of God for themselves.

20 What were the “Ninety-Five Theses”?

21 Martin Luther’s criticisms of other church practices.

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