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The Protestant Reformation and Albrecht Dürer Terms Augustinian Wittenberg Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, October 31, 1517, 95 Theses indulgences.

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Presentation on theme: "The Protestant Reformation and Albrecht Dürer Terms Augustinian Wittenberg Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, October 31, 1517, 95 Theses indulgences."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Protestant Reformation and Albrecht Dürer Terms Augustinian Wittenberg Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, October 31, 1517, 95 Theses indulgences and simony Thirteen Epistles, Romans 1:16-17 Pharisee, Damascus Hans Sachs Peace of Augsburg, 1555 Emperor Charles V & Johann of Constant, Elector of Saxony Catechism Utraquism Real Presence Topics Paul’s letter to the Romans Faith alone, or sola fides Art and iconoclasm Durer and the Reformation

2 Lucas Cranach the Elder, Martin Luther, 1526

3 Andrei Rublyov, St. Paul the Apostle, 1410

4 Caravaggio, Conversion of St. Paul, Cerasi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popola, Rome, 1600-01

5 Lucas Cranach the Elder, Martin Luther, 1533

6 Erhard Schön, Complaint of the Poor Persecuted Gods and Church Images, woodcut, c. 1530

7 Anonymous, Augsburg Confession, St. Johanneskirche, Schweinfurt, c. 1590

8 Albrecht Dürer, Willibald Pirckheimer, engraving, 1524

9 Albrecht Dürer, Four Holy Men, 1526

10 Albrecht Dürer, Last Supper, woodcuts from The Large Passion, 1510 & another from 1523

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