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Store Apps, Development Tools, App key features George Georgiev Telerik Corporation Technical Trainer

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Presentation on theme: "Store Apps, Development Tools, App key features George Georgiev Telerik Corporation Technical Trainer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Store Apps, Development Tools, App key features George Georgiev Telerik Corporation Technical Trainer

2 2  Store Apps  Overview  Key Features of Store Apps with C# and XAML  Asynchronous execution  Navigation and Pages  File Pickers  Contracts  Device usage  Cloud  Development Tools

3 Overview

4  Apps running on all Windows RT devices  Touch-friendly  Sandboxed  New kind of runtime – WinRT  Suspension, termination, activation, etc.  Should adapt to "Win as One" principle  Heavily asynchronous  Shouldn't always be responsive, fast & fluid  Common UI guidelines and silhouette 4

5 With C# and XAML

6  All Store apps should adopt asynchrony  Any operation over 30-50ms should be asynchronous  C# fully supports multi-threading  Task objects, async & await statements  WinRT API projections match C# async programming patterns 6

7  Store Apps are by design navigable  App functionality is divided into Pages  Navigation models  Flat (only next and previous page)  Hierarchical (home page with subpages)  Store Apps with XAML have Page controls  Root controls, which contain layout controls  Replace Window control in WPF  Pages are displayed and navigated through Frame Controls 7

8  Store Apps can show file dialogs  File Pickers  Dialogs are full page and provided by WinRT  No intervention from the app  Picking a file grants full access to it  A user can always cancel the operation  File & Folder Pickers are accessed in C# through the Windows.Storage.Pickers WinRT API 8

9  Store Apps can save data without user permission  So-called ApplicationData  Virtual file system exclusive for the app  Full read & write access, no user prompts  Great for caching, settings, etc. 9

10  Contracts allow the system and apps to work together  Search, Share,Settings – main, charm contracts  File Picker contracts – the App acts as a open/save location  Road to achieve the "Win as One" principle 10

11  Windows RT provides powerful device access  APIs for most possible devices on the machine  Gyroscore, Accelerometer, GPS, Camera, Removable Storage, Bluetooth, NFC…  Good Store Apps know how to utilize devices 11

12  Store Apps run only on-screen  Background apps suspended to save resources  Suspended apps can be terminated  Good Apps know how to save & restore their state  C# has access to a special session manager class, as well as application data  Proper places to save app state 12

13  Store Apps should feel alive and connected  Cloud is a viable technology  High availability, high replicability  Lowers costs  Roam to the Cloud  Store Apps usually have network access  Syncing files is very popular  Some devices have limited resources  Software and computations can be out-sourced  Data sources can be shifted to the cloud 13

14 Using Visual Studio 2012 and other tools to develop Windows 8 Apps

15  Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 – official WinRT and.NET development tool  Many languages: JavaScript, C#, VB.NET, C++…  Supports development for many technologies  Main tool for Metro Apps developmet (WinRT)  Very powerful and feature rich  Write, compile, model, design GUI, data, build, execute, debug, simulate, test, deploy, refactor  Commercial product, has free editions 15

16  Visual Studio – Key features for Metro Apps  Debug Simulator  Emulates the App in a tablet  Pick from Debug dropdown  Debug Location toolbar  Suspend, Suspend and shutdown, Resume  (add from View>>Toolbars>>Debug Location)  Store (right click on project)  Enables interactions with Windows Store  Enables creating App packages 16

17 Live Demo

18 форум програмиране, форум уеб дизайн курсове и уроци по програмиране, уеб дизайн – безплатно програмиране за деца – безплатни курсове и уроци безплатен SEO курс - оптимизация за търсачки уроци по уеб дизайн, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop уроци по програмиране и уеб дизайн за ученици ASP.NET MVC курс – HTML, SQL, C#,.NET, ASP.NET MVC безплатен курс "Разработка на софтуер в cloud среда" BG Coder - онлайн състезателна система - online judge курсове и уроци по програмиране, книги – безплатно от Наков безплатен курс "Качествен програмен код" алго академия – състезателно програмиране, състезания ASP.NET курс - уеб програмиране, бази данни, C#,.NET, ASP.NET курсове и уроци по програмиране – Телерик академия курс мобилни приложения с iPhone, Android, WP7, PhoneGap free C# book, безплатна книга C#, книга Java, книга C# Николай Костов - блог за програмиране

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