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Muon reconstruction Peter Kluit Atlas NIKHEF Outing Hulsbeek.

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Presentation on theme: "Muon reconstruction Peter Kluit Atlas NIKHEF Outing Hulsbeek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muon reconstruction Peter Kluit Atlas NIKHEF Outing Hulsbeek

2 Muon and combined reconstruction algorithms Standalone muon reconstruction ◦ SA muon: Moore Niels, Jochem, Egge, Peter ◦ Event filter trigger: TrigMuonEF == Moore Combined reconstruction ◦ Combined muon: ID track and MS track  MuidCB and MuonCombined Thijs ◦ Tagged muon: ID track and Moore segments  MuTagIMO Zdenko, John, Rikard ◦ Calorimeter muon: ID track and calorimeter  CaloTrkMuid Gustavo, Marcel

3 Muon & Combined Performance topics Muon commisioning MRATF/MATF ◦ Cosmics data MS precision studies Rosemarie, Egge, Peter Muon Combined Performance ◦ Convenor Wolfgang ◦ Data processing Magda Combined cosmics results Niels, Egge, Peter Minimum Bias 900 GeV analysis Egge, Peter Analysis of the 7 TeV data J/psi search John, Rikard Momentum studies Nicole Minimum bias studies Egge High pt muon selection for the 7 TeV data Peter

4 Program Muon Detector Status GerJan Sagitta precision studies Rosemarie Momentum studies Nicole Combined Performance plans Wolfgang High pt muon selection Peter coffee break Muons in data Egge J/psi searches Rikard

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