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George H.W. Bush Presidency 1988-1992. Legislation Clean Air Act 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act 1990 Nomination of Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme.

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Presentation on theme: "George H.W. Bush Presidency 1988-1992. Legislation Clean Air Act 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act 1990 Nomination of Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme."— Presentation transcript:

1 George H.W. Bush Presidency 1988-1992

2 Legislation Clean Air Act 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act 1990 Nomination of Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme Court

3 Persian Gulf War Operation Desert Storm

4 Saddam Hussein Dictator of Iraq

5 Iraq invades Kuwait 1990 Iraq takes the oil-rich nation of Kuwait—very near the Saudi Arabian border


7 40-day air war against Iraq

8 Soviets back the invasion At this time, the US consumed one quarter of the total world’s oil— 20 percent came from Iraq and Kuwait

9 Coalition of nations support Bush invokes principles of self-determination, but the reality is oil About 24 nations participated—400,000 US troops, 265,000 from other nations Congress debated for three days, and authorized war by a slim margin

10 “Vietnam Syndrome” “By God, we’ve kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all!” – President George H.W. Bush, March 1, 1991

11 Bombing War Most Americans felt no moral ambiguity and took pride in the display of military prowess. Some criticized ending the war without having taken out Hussein Keeping US troops in Saudi Arabia, the holy land of Islam, after the war, fueled anti- American hatred by Muslim extremists like Osama bin Laden

12 Eastern Europe and the End of the Cold War

13 Election of 1992 Bush’s chances looked golden with success in Kuwait Opposition candidate Clinton promised to work for the ‘forgotten middle class’ A third party candidate ran—Ross Perot—he got 19 percent, harming Bush





18 II. The Clinton Administration’s Search for the Middle Ground A. Clinton’s Reforms 1. Government as a force for reform 2. Economic rebound 3. Health care 4. A diverse government

19 II. The Clinton Administration’s Search for the Middle Ground B. Accommodating the Right 1. The midterm elections of 1994 2. Oklahoma City 3. Don’t ask, don’t tell 4. Same-sex marriage rights 5. Welfare reform 6. Reelection 7. Deregulating the financial industry


21 Impeaching the President December 1998 the House of Representatives voted to impeach Clinton on two counts: perjury and obstruction of justice.

22 ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’? A two-thirds majority of senators needed to remove the president from office. No majority on either count

23 III. The United States in a Globalizing World A. Defining America’s Place in a New World Order 1. The new world order 2. Africa 3. Haiti 4. Yugoslavia splinters 5. Deploying missiles instead of soldiers 6. Diplomacy in the Middle East

24 This chart indicates the military expenditures of the various nations in 2005.

25 III. The United States in a Globalizing World B. Debates over Globalization 1. A global marketplace 2. Free trade 3. Globalization’s critics

26 III. The United States in a Globalizing World C. The Internationalization of the United States 1. Foreign investment 2. Immigration 3. Racial anxiety 4. An international, interracial society 5. Diversity of social classes

27 IV. President George W. Bush: Conservatism at Home and Radical Initiatives Abroad A. The Disputed Election of 2000 1. The candidates 2. Contested results 3. Recount denied


29 IV. President George W. Bush: Conservatism at Home and Radical Initiatives Abroad B. The Domestic Policies of a “Compassionate Conservative” 1. Religion 2. The economy 3. The environment 4. The court 5. No child left behind 6. Health care 7. Katrina

30 IV. President George W. Bush: Conservatism at Home and Radical Initiatives Abroad C. The Globalization of Terrorism 1. 9/11 2. A global alliance against terror 3. Liberty versus security 4. Stretching presidential powers 5. The Department of Homeland Security


32 IV. President George W. Bush: Conservatism at Home and Radical Initiatives Abroad D. Unilateralism, Preemption, and the Iraq War 1. A go-it-alone approach 2. War in Iraq 3. Iraqi resentment 4. The election of 2004 5. Transferring sovereignty 6. A tarnished image and political fallout



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