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Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété.

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2 Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété d’un consortium d’universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d’une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics Laboratoire national canadien pour la recherche en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules Accelerating Science for Canada Un accélérateur de la démarche scientifique canadienne Work Request System Violeta Toma | TRIUMF ARW – Melbourne, April 14-19, 2013 Run until Break / Preventative maintenance Session

3 Outline Maintenance philosophy in TRIUMF Maintenance tools: Work Request (WR) and Work Permit (WP) Work Request Integration Work Request with fault report system Future: integration with Work Permit system Summary

4 Maintenance Philosophy Past: scheduled weekly maintenance Present: o scheduled maintenance every three weeks o optional weekly maintenance (if required)

5 Maintenance Tools Work Request (WR) Work Permit (WP) Common traits: Web-applications Accessible site-wide Used to manage approvals/assessments

6 Work Request versus Work Permit Work Request (WR) used to: Inform about Changes to Commissioned Systems (CCS) Inform about new installations Request work to be done by one or more groups Help groups with their internal work organization Monitor work progress Provide an official record of approvals for regulator

7 Work Request versus Work Permit Work Permit (WP) used to: Coordinate work on maintenance days Inform workers of hazards and ways to mediate them Inform operators of work and work status Provide verification of completed work if appropriate

8 Filling out a Work Request




12 Adding a Document WR system does not store documents, just references them Hyperlinks to documents/drawings can be embedded into WR Drawback: linked document can be changed after approval

13 Work Request States Working Pending Released Closed Abandoned

14 Navigating the Work Request

15 Work Request for Facility Coordinator

16 Facility Coordinator Approval Correct/all facilities Correct/all service groups Hazard analysis assessment Indicate when work can commence

17 Work Request for Service Group Leader

18 Service Group Leader Assessment Is this a Change to a Commissioned System Hazard analysis assessment Correct/all service groups Enough information to do the work Realistic deadline

19 Work Request for Worker

20 Integration with Fault Report System Interaction via web-services Optional Initial setup by a superuser -> Fault Report package Functionality New Fault Report => task in the Fault Report package Modification of a fault (return, cancellation, redirection) will modify the fault task in the Work Request system. If a fault task is completed in the Work Request system, the fault will be returned to the Fault Report system. If a fault task is abandoned, the fault will be rejected in the Fault Report system, i.e. sent back to Operations.

21 Integration with Work Permit System ?? This page intentionally blank…

22 Summary One work request to multiple groups Standard form for Change to Commissioned Systems Easy to follow the work status Official record for regulator Possibility to integrated with other systems

23 Acknowledgements Glenn Jones - MIS & Telecom: Implementation Maintenance Rolf Keitel – Implementation manager - Quality Management System: Wrote specifications Supervised implementation Conducted commissioning Conducted site-wide information sessions for each user type Maintenance

24 Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété d’un consortium d’universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d’une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics Laboratoire national canadien pour la recherche en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules Thank you! Merci TRIUMF: Alberta | British Columbia | Calgary Carleton | Guelph | Manitoba | McMaster Montréal | Northern British Columbia | Queen’s Regina | Saint Mary’s | Simon Fraser | Toronto Victoria | Winnipeg | York

25 Maintenance Tab

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