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Student Section Marketing Mark Lazzaro. About Me University of California, Merced 5 1/2th year ME student Previous President, VP, and Treasurer UC Merced’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Section Marketing Mark Lazzaro. About Me University of California, Merced 5 1/2th year ME student Previous President, VP, and Treasurer UC Merced’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Section Marketing Mark Lazzaro

2 About Me University of California, Merced 5 1/2th year ME student Previous President, VP, and Treasurer UC Merced’s ASME student section

3 Learning Objectives 1.Basics of Marketing 2.Guided Discovery / Group forum

4 Workshop Schedule 2:30-2:50 Basics of Marketing, Presentation (20 min) 2:50-3:10 Group Breakout Session (20 min) 3:00-3:15 Group Work Report-out (15 min) 3:15-3:30 Question and Answer/Group forum (15 min)

5 Three Marketing Questions to Ask Who is your target market? What are your customer’s needs or desires? Who is your competition?

6 Who is your target market? Three Simplified Target Markets –Lower Classman –Transfer Student –Upper Classman Other –Non-ME Students –Graduate Students

7 Difference of Campus Communities The way you approach your market strategy may vary based on the demographic of your Campus Community. All in all, a lot of the items and strategy are the same, with some unique differences.

8 Customer Profile Lower Classmen (UC Merced Specific) –Where do these students live? Freshman mostly live on Campus Most move off campus after freshman year –Younger in age usually 18 years old –50% First Generation Status –Geographic origin 1/3 LA 1/3 Central Valley, 1/3 Bay Area

9 Customer Profile Transfer Students –High variation in age range –Approx. 1/3 come from Local JC So, 2/3 lack local knowledge So, 2/3 may lack Internal network

10 Customer Profile Senior Students –High variation in technical skills, experience and interests –Off Campus –More adult responsibilities

11 What are your customer’s needs? Lower classman –They lack practical engineering experience. Ex. Freshman, usually do not have experience with CAD software Ex. Might not have a strong understand of what their field of study is about. –Have a strong desire to be apart of active engineering projects.

12 What are your customer’s needs? Senior Engineering Student –Resume Building –Employment/Graduate Studies focused –Expand professional network, externally Events that may attract this type of customer –Industry tours, or speakers –Conference attendance –Job Seeking skills, resume writing workshops, Interviewing sessions

13 What are your customer’s needs? Transfer Students –Expand network, internally –Limited local knowledge –Similarly to Senior they may be more career focus

14 Market Competition What other societies exist on campus? How does your ASME Student Section fit into your campus’s eco system. Resume workshop Ex. Collaborative event efforts

15 Group Activity Stand up and join a table that you have not sat at before. Introduce yourself Elect a representative to Report out 20 minutes to devise a marketing strategy for your group’s scenario Create a 1-2 min. elevator pitch for your marketing strategy

16 Group Activity: Scenarios Group 1: General Meeting Group 2: Workshop Group 3: Social Event Group 4: Industry Speaker Group 5: Engineering Project Group 6: Tutoring Session Group 7: K-12 volunteer Out reach

17 Marketing Strategy Elevator Pitch Briefly describe the event Identify your target market Describe how you plan to engage your target market What is you Marketing Plan or Strategy?

18 Question/Answer Do you have a experience that you would like to share?

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