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E-mail Marketing is the wave of the future. Fast and cost- effective, e-mail should just become an important part of your integrated marketing and media.

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2 E-mail Marketing is the wave of the future. Fast and cost- effective, e-mail should just become an important part of your integrated marketing and media plan

3 Critical Mass – reaches 93% of internet users o Critical Mass – reaches 93% of internet users Lower Costs – 1/10 the cost per o Lower Costs – 1/10 the cost per Communication Relationship Builder – 80% of o Relationship Builder – 80% of Response Rates – 10X greater than Direct Mail o Response Rates – 10X greater than Direct Mail visitor never return

4 Nothing works better than Email Marketing Email Marketing to create and maintain positive business brand experience By 2013 end the US email volume will near 890 billion messages!

5 It is Measurable, we can Track o It is Measurable, we can Track Ensure data Integrity o Ensure data Integrity We can Accelerate Response o We can Accelerate Response Speedy Medium o Speedy Medium Build profiles over time o Build profiles over time

6 New Communication channels o New Communication channels Deliverability based on engagement o Deliverability based on engagement Spam filters that are getting better and better o Spam filters that are getting better and better ISPs facilitate inbox management o ISPs facilitate inbox management Portable inboxes o Portable inboxes Inbox Overload o Inbox Overload


8 o 58% of people start their online from 37.4% to 41.6% of US mobile Dominance of email activity on o Dominance of email activity on Subscribers spend more. o Subscribers spend more. mobile devices increased Internet time. day by Reading emails.



11 o Unique open rate click through) Click through rate o Click through rate Unsubscribe rate o Unsubscribe rate (Can separate HTML vs. plaintext o Total open rate o Conversion rate o Bounce rate


13 o 65% of marketers allocate less than o 27% allocate between 26%- 50% of their 25% of their budget to Email marketing Budget to email

14 Around 234 million Americans age 13 and other used mobile devices for the three month average period ending in April 2012 according to Also 107 million people owned Smartphone's during the same period up by 6% from January




18 Marketing shall still be relevant. In another 5 years, 47% agree that Email Giving to its credit, this traditional form of marketing will, still not lose its charm while fighting hard with the wild incoming of x-gen digital channels.

19 Mailing List Provider - Thomson Data is one of the fastest growing list providers with an extensive database, which serves all the major industries across the globe.

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