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A G LOBAL I MPACT P ARTNER 2 As an experienced impact investment manager in emerging and frontier markets, SEAF is operating a global platform with over.

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2 A G LOBAL I MPACT P ARTNER 2 As an experienced impact investment manager in emerging and frontier markets, SEAF is operating a global platform with over 100 investment professionals (staff of 190) in 20+ countries. Over the years, SEAF has invested in nearly 400 SMEs, and its Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED) has worked with over 35,000 SMEs across 25+ countries. SEAF Global CEED Global HQ in Washington, DC 20+ country and rep offices 190+ staff globally 100+ investment team Fully integrated back- office and reporting system 13 centers in Central and Eastern Europe and MENA Self-sustaining delivery of Capacity Building to SMEs 35,000+ SMEs worked with over past decades CEE: 12 countries LatAm: Colombia, Peru Africa: 4 countries MENA: 6 countries Global HQ Asia: 6 countries W. China 4 Provinces Europe HQ SF Office Chicago Office


4 I NVEST E AST A FRICA (IEA) USAID-F UNDED P ROJECT 4 SEAF Pre- and Post-investment technical assistance Trade Innovation grants (TIGs) Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) support Technical Assistance Investment USD 20-40M raised for investment in East Africa Average of USD 2M per investment Leveraging SEAF’s Flex Fund vehicle Purpose:To enhance regional trade in the East African Community Donor:USAID (GDA Mechanism) Implementing Partner: Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) Resource Partner:Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF) Sector:Agriculture and Trade Budget:USD 2M from USAID (to leverage additional USD 40M in investment capital, USD 1M in MEDA contribution and USD 4.8M in matching grants) Time Horizon:4 years (September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2019 Geography:East African Community countries (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi) Methodology

5 IEA – I NVESTMENT F ACILITY 5 SEAF will work to facilitate economic growth in East Africa by raising and managing investment funds to strengthen SMEs and enhance their ability to trade among EAC members with a particular focus on the agricultural sector. Purpose Prospective Investee Profile Sector SMEs involved in regional agribusiness and trade (e.g. agricultural commodity processors and traders, agricultural input suppliers, packagers, cold chain suppliers, warehouse and inventory services, trucking companies etc); Preferably companies within Feed the Future target value chains for EAC. Average Capital Required by SME Approximately USD 2M Yrs. in operation/ performance Established business, post-revenue and preferably at least 2 years in operation. Development focus Clear social impact with ability to engage small-holder farmers in the business model. Competitive advantage Strong market position with potential for national or regional expansion; Proven business model and high integrity of management. Value creationPotential for future strategic value as an acquisition candidate and/or a stable high cash-flow producer.

6 IEA – T ECHNICAL A SSISTANCE F ACILITY 6 Pre- and Post- Investment TA Managed by SEAF Will address SMEs’ gaps in areas of weakness including: financial controls, budgeting, operations HR Trade Innovation Grant Fund (TIG) Managed by MEDA 14 TIGs awarded during Life Of Project 8 grants funded by USAID (USD 75K) 6 grants funded by MEDA’s Global Affairs Canada program Matching grants to SMEs, provided at a 2:1 match Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Support Managed by MEDA Develop and share ESG materials with SMEs to support their efforts in upgrading and enhancing their ESG policies and practices

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