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Published byMaria Mathews Modified over 8 years ago
Accelerator system Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity n LTC Dec 14 th 05 : LHC commissioning organisation Machine Coordinator Weekly responsibility 3 needed Accelerator Systems As required Defined responsibilities Commissioner Scheduled shifts years 1,2 Pool of at least 7 needed EIC Scheduled shifts long term 7 needed Operator Scheduled shifts long term 7 needed G.ArduiniR.Assmann M.Giovannozzi S.Fartoukh J.Uythoven J.Wenninger F.Zimmermann A.Butterworth M.AlbertG.Crockford R.Giachino G.H.Hemelsoet D.Jacquet L.Normann F.Pirotte R.Suykerbuyk E.Veyrunes S.Redaelli01.06M.Gruwe01.06 EIC307.06 EIC407.06 EIC501.07 EIC601.07 EIC701.07 R.BaileyM.Lamont O.Bruning P.Collier
Accelerator systemsContact Technical Services TI operationsP.Sollander ControlsH.Schmickler Electrical supplyJ.Pedersen Cooling and ventilationJ.Inigo-Golfin Access & safety systemsT.Pettersson Hardware Commissioning CryogenicsL.Serio Cold magnetsL.Rossi Warm magnetsK.H.Mess PICB.Puccio QPSK.H.Mess Power convertersF.Bordry Beam Commissioning Beam vacuumN.HilleretOK Magnetic modelL.Bottura Beam Machine Protection SystemsR.Schmidt Radiation ProtectionD.Forkel-Wirth Radiation MonitoringT.Wijnands Beam TransferV.MertensOK RFT.LinnecarOK Beam InstrumentationR.JonesOK CollimationR.Assmann High level controlsM.Lamont Operational phasesR.Bailey Accelerator physicsO.BruningOK Experimental ConditionsH.Burkhardt Take As Given Develop These
Beam Instrumentation – R.Garoby, R.Jones Activity Responsible Other CERNLARP Screens E.Bravin A.Guerrero H.Burkhardt (AP) G.Arduini (AP) BCT P.Odier D.Belohrad M.Ludwig H.Burkhardt (AP) J.Jowett (AP) BPM and orbit R.Jones L.Jensen J.Wenninger (OP) W.Herr (AP) I.Papaphilippou (AP) BLM B.Dehning E.Holzer S.Jackson R.Assmann (AP) H.Burkhardt (AP) B.Jeanneret (AP) S.Gilardoni (AP) PLL for Q, Q’, C R.Jones M.Gasior P.Karlsson S.Fartoukh (AP) O.Berrig (AP) J.Wenninger (OP) X Profile monitors S.Hutchins J.Koopman A.Guerrero H.Burkhardt (AP) S.Gilardoni (AP) M.Giovannozzi (AP)X Schottky monitors F.Caspers (RF) R.Jones S.Bart-Pedersen E.Metral (AP) C.Carli (AP) F.Zimmermann (AP) X Luminosity monitors E.Bravin S.Bart-Pedersen R.Assmann (AP) F.Zimmermann (AP) X
Beam Transfer – V.Mertens Activity Responsible Other CERNLARP SPS extraction Transfer lines Injection region First turn Protection devices Beam dump J.Uythoven B.Goddard V.Kain (OP) M.Lamont (OP) J.Wenninger (OP) T.Risselada (AP) H.Burkhardt (AP) W.Herr (AP) X MKQAJ.Uythoven S.Fartoukh (AP) F.Schmidt (AP)X RF – T.Linnecar, E.Chapochnikova Activity Responsible Other CERNLARP Machine synchronisation Capture 450GeV plateau Acceleration Storage Transverse damping P.Baudrenghien T.Bohl O.Brunner A.Butterworth E.Ciapala W.Hofle J.Tuckmantel Vacuum – P.Strubin, N.Hilleret ActivityResponsibleOther CERNLARP Insulating vacuum Beam vacuum (ring) Beam vacuum (experiments) Electron cloud V.Baglin P.Cruikshank M.Jimenez E.Mahner C.Rathjen A.Rossi G.Arduini (AP) F.Zimmermann (AP)X
Accelerator physics – O.Bruning Activity Responsible Other CERNLARP Optics O.Bruning, S.Fartoukh M.Giovannozi, W.Herr T.Risselada Y.Papaphilippou X Aperture B.Jeanneret, W.Herr F.Schmidt, F.Zimmermann Y.Papaphilippou X Impedence F.Ruggiero E.Metral, F.Zimmermann Lattice correctors S.Fartoukh, F.Schmidt Y.Papaphilippou X Triplet correctors S.Fartoukh, F.Schmidt X Lifetimes J.Jowett, F.Zimmermann X Separation / Crossing W.Herr, F.Zimmermann Y.Papaphilippou Collisions W.Herr, R.Assmann Luminosity W.Herr, R.Assmann X Ions J.Jowett, C.Carli S.Maury, S.Gilardoni H.Braun
LTC Dec 14 th 05 : LHC commissioning program Where are we ? Where are we ? Overall strategy OK Overall strategy OK Overall strategy OK Overall strategy OK Stage I43 bunches Stage I43 bunches Stage II75ns Stage II75ns Stage III25ns low I Stage III25ns low I Stage IV25ns high I Stage IV25ns high I Stage I looked at Stage I looked at Some details behind Some details behind Some details behind Some details behind Need to make this into a detailed commissioning plan Need to make this into a detailed commissioning plan Best developed by the people who will implement it Best developed by the people who will implement it Machine coordinators/Commissioners/EICs + Accelerator Systems Machine coordinators/Commissioners/EICs + Accelerator Systems Work through 2006 (suggest 20% activity) Work through 2006 (suggest 20% activity) 1 Injection and First turn 2 Circulating beam, RF capture 3 450 GeV: initial commissioning 4 450 GeV: detailed measurements 5 450 GeV: 2 beams 6 Nominal cycle 7 Snapback – single beam 8 Ramp – single beam 9 Single beam at physics energy 10 Two beams to physics energy 11Physics 12 Commission squeeze 13 Physics partially squeezed
LHC Commissioning Working Group R.Bailey (Chairman) M.Lamont (Deputy Chairman) F.Zimmermann (Secretary) G.ArduiniR.AssmannO.BrüningH.BurkhardtA.ButterworthP.CollierS.FartoukhM.GiovannozziB.GoddardM.GruweR.JonesV.KainJ.P.KoutchoukS.RedaelliR.SabanR.SchmidtR.SteinhagenJ.UythovenJ.WenningerT.Wijnands After discussion with Steve Myers in March After discussion with Steve Myers in March Re-launch LHCOP as the LHCCWGLHCOPLHCCWG It’s a WG so keep it workable Develop detailed commissioning plan Phase by phase Do for 43 on 43 with 4 10 10 per bunch Leave 75ns and 25ns aspects for later Web based doc to start with Document later Report to LTC
Development of detailed commissioning plan BDI BeamTransfer Machineprotection Collimation RF etc WHO 1 Injection and First turn Sector test team 2 Circulating beam, RF capture GA, AB 3 450 GeV: initial commissioning JW, FZ 4 450 GeV: detailed measurements FZ, MG, SF 5 450 GeV: 2 beams RA, JU 6 Nominal cycle 7 Snapback – single beam 8 Ramp – single beam 9 Single beam at physics energy 10 Two beams to physics energy 11Physics 12 Commission squeeze 13 Physics partially squeezed 0 1 2 3 1 – review in March / April 2 – review in May / June 3 – review in July / August 0 – review in March
LHCCWG in 2006 For each phase For each phase 1. Well defined start 2. Well defined end 3. How to get from 1 to 2 For each activity For each activity What needs to be done What needs to be done How do we do it How do we do it What tools do we need What tools do we need Web-based documentation to capture everything Web-based documentation to capture everything Release document(s) in about a year Release document(s) in about a year 1 Injection and First turn 2 Circulating beam, RF capture 3 450 GeV: initial commissioning 4 450 GeV: detailed measurements 5 450 GeV: 2 beams 6 Nominal cycle 7 Snapback – single beam 8 Ramp – single beam 9 Single beam at physics energy 10 Two beams to physics energy 11Physics 12 Commission squeeze 13 Physics partially squeezed
LHC project targets for 2006 Complete full installation and tests of QRL Complete full installation and tests of QRL Complete the cold tests of the 1232 dipoles Complete the cold tests of the 1232 dipoles Full commissioning of sector 7-8 Full commissioning of sector 7-8 Cool down of sector 8-1 Cool down of sector 8-1 If we can meet these last two objectives … If we can meet these last two objectives … Target potential bottlenecks Target potential bottlenecks Optimise magnet transport logistics still further Optimise magnet transport logistics still further Magnet interconnections Magnet interconnections Electrical feedboxes Electrical feedboxes Revised schedule in May/June based on experience accrued Revised schedule in May/June based on experience accrued Sector test with beam HWC 7-8
Sector test with beam layout 3.3 km of the LHC including one experiment insertion and a full arc
Sector test with beam - motivation Full test of a majority of subsystems Full test of a majority of subsystems Over one eighth of the ring Over one eighth of the ring Allows staged approach to the full problem space Allows staged approach to the full problem space Time to fully resolve problems before the real thing Time to fully resolve problems before the real thing Analysis, improvements, resolution, adjustment Analysis, improvements, resolution, adjustment Eventual commissioning of the full machine would be more difficult without the experience gained
Tests with beam
Staged commissioning plan for protons Hardware commissioning Machine checkout Beam commissioning 43 bunch operation 75ns ops 25ns ops I Install Phase II and MKB 25ns ops II Stage I IIIII No beamBeam IV I.Pilot physics run First collisions First collisions 43 bunches, no crossing angle, no squeeze, moderate intensities 43 bunches, no crossing angle, no squeeze, moderate intensities Push performance (156 bunches, partial squeeze in 1 and 5, push intensity) Push performance (156 bunches, partial squeeze in 1 and 5, push intensity) Performance limit 10 32 cm -2 s -1 (event pileup) Performance limit 10 32 cm -2 s -1 (event pileup) II.75ns operation Establish multi-bunch operation, moderate intensities Establish multi-bunch operation, moderate intensities Relaxed machine parameters (squeeze and crossing angle) Relaxed machine parameters (squeeze and crossing angle) Push squeeze and crossing angle Push squeeze and crossing angle Performance limit 10 33 cm -2 s -1 (event pileup) Performance limit 10 33 cm -2 s -1 (event pileup) III.25ns operation I Nominal crossing angle Nominal crossing angle Push squeeze Push squeeze Increase intensity to 50% nominal Increase intensity to 50% nominal Performance limit 2 10 33 cm -2 s -1 Performance limit 2 10 33 cm -2 s -1 IV.25ns operation II Push towards nominal performance Push towards nominal performance
Stage I physics run Start as simple as possible Start as simple as possible Change 1 parameter (k b N * 1, 5 ) at a time Change 1 parameter (k b N * 1, 5 ) at a time All values for All values for nominal emittance nominal emittance 7TeV 7TeV 10m * in point 2 (luminosity looks fine) 10m * in point 2 (luminosity looks fine) Parameters Beam levels Rates in 1 and 5 Rates in 2 kbkbkbkbN * 1,5 (m) I beam proton E beam (MJ)Luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) Events/crossingLuminosity Events/crossing 1 10 10 18 1 10 10 10 -2 10 27 << 1 1.8 10 27 << 1 43 10 10 18 4.3 10 11 0.5 4.2 10 28 << 1 7.7 10 28 << 1 43 4 10 10 18 1.7 10 12 2 6.8 10 29 << 1 1.2 10 30 0.15 43 4 10 10 2 1.7 10 12 2 6.1 10 30 0.76 1.2 10 30 0.15 156 4 10 10 2 6.2 10 12 7 2.2 10 31 0.76 4.4 10 30 0.15 156 9 10 10 2 1.4 10 13 16 1.1 10 32 3.9 2.2 10 31 0.77 Protons/beam ≾ 10 13 (LEP beam currents) Stored energy/beam ≾ 10MJ (SPS fixed target beam)
LHCb during Stage I Displace bunches in one ring (n on m) Displace bunches in one ring (n on m) 4 per SPS cycle in 43 bunch, 16 per SPS cycle in 156 bunch mode 4 per SPS cycle in 43 bunch, 16 per SPS cycle in 156 bunch mode Dedicated runs for LHCb (n on n) ? Dedicated runs for LHCb (n on n) ? Squeeze in point 8 (2m limit for ‘bad’ LHC dipole polarity) Squeeze in point 8 (2m limit for ‘bad’ LHC dipole polarity) All values for All values for nominal emittance nominal emittance 7TeV 7TeV Parameters Rates in 8 kbkbkbkbN * 1,5 (m)Luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) Events/crossing 1 on 1 10 10 10 1.8 10 27 << 1 4 on 43 10 10 10 7 10 27 << 1 4 on 43 4 10 10 10 1.1 10 29 0.15 4 on 43 4 10 10 2 5.7 10 29 0.76 16 on 156 4 10 10 2 2.3 10 30 0.76 156 on 156 4 10 10 2 2.2 10 31 0.76 156 on 156 9 10 10 2 1.1 10 32 3.9
Stage II physics run Parameters Beam levels Rates in 1 and 5 Rates in 2 and 8 kbkbkbkbN * 1,5 (m) I beam proton E beam (MJ)Luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) Events/crossingLuminosity Events/crossing 936 4 10 10 18 3.7 10 13 42 1.5 10 31 << 1 2.6 10 31 0.15 936 4 10 10 2 3.7 10 13 42 1.3 10 32 0.73 2.6 10 31 0.15 936 6 10 10 2 5.6 10 13 63 2.9 10 32 1.6 6.0 10 31 0.34 936 9 10 10 1 8.4 10 13 94 1.2 10 33 7 1.3 10 32 0.76 Relaxed crossing angle (250 rad) Relaxed crossing angle (250 rad) Start un-squeezed Start un-squeezed Then go to where we were in stage I Then go to where we were in stage I All values for All values for nominal emittance nominal emittance 7TeV 7TeV 10m * in points 2 and 8 10m * in points 2 and 8 Protons/beam ≈ few 10 13 Stored energy/beam ≤ 100MJ
Stage III physics run Parameters Beam levels Rates in 1 and 5 Rates in 2 and 8 kbkbkbkbN * 1,5 (m) I beam proton E beam (MJ)Luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) Events/crossingLuminosity Events/crossing 2808 4 10 10 18 1.1 10 14 126 4.4 10 31 << 1 7.9 10 31 0.15 2808 4 10 10 2 1.1 10 14 126 3.8 10 32 0.72 7.9 10 31 0.15 2808 5 10 10 2 1.4 10 14 157 5.9 10 32 1.1 1.2 10 32 0.24 2808 5 10 10 1 1.4 10 14 157 1.1 10 33 2.1 1.2 10 32 0.24 2808 5 10 10 0.55 1.4 10 14 157 1.9 10 33 3.6 1.2 10 32 0.24 Nominal 3.2 10 14 362 10 34 19 6.5 10 32 1.2 Nominal crossing angle (285 rad) Nominal crossing angle (285 rad) Start un-squeezed Start un-squeezed Then go to where we were in stage II Then go to where we were in stage II All values for All values for nominal emittance nominal emittance 7TeV 7TeV 10m * in points 2 and 8 10m * in points 2 and 8 Protons/beam ≈ 10 14 Stored energy/beam ≥ 100MJ
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