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Cyclotron System of RAON
RISP workshop on Acceleration systems, May 21, 2013 Cyclotron System of RAON Jaehong Kim IF·RF Team
70MeV Cyclotron for ISOL System
Proton (70 MeV, 1 mA) CW and pulsed beam operation Driver for the ISOL target (Uniform Beam) Cyclotron
Cyclotron and ISOL Fission Target Configuration
Specification of Commercial Cyclotrons
Categories BEST IBA Sumitomo* Local (RFT-30) Accelerated particle Proton (E_max, I_max) 35~70MeV, 1mA* 30~70MeV, 750uA 70MeV, 1mA 15~30MeV, 217uA Energy spread 70MeV 70MeV TBD No. of Magnet Sectors 4 Sector Angle (degree) 50o 54o ~ 58o 45o 48o Fields_ave (Hill, Vally) 1.6T, 0.12T 1.7T, 0.12T 1.7T, 0.5T 1.05T RF System No. of Dees 2 Dee Angle 35o 30o 39o Harmonics Frequency (MHz) 56.2 30 73 63.96 Dee Voltage (kV) 60 to 70 50 Injection System Ion Source Type multi cusp Arc MultiCUSP/ECR Volumic CUSP Multi-CUSP H- Current 15 ~ 20 mA 5mA 10mA max. 10mA Inflector spiral Extraction System No. exit port/beam lines 2. / 4. 2. / 6. 2/4 Carbon foil (life time/uAh) 1mA Carousel with 6 foils 30,000 0.5mA 1.0mA Beam Emittance(x,y/mm.mrad) 6.2, 3.8 horizontal 4 pi ~15 pi / 5 pi Vacuum System < 1.5x10-7 Torr 1x10-7 mbar < 10-4 Pa 2.5x10-7 Torr Control System PLC LabView, cFP/LAN Pulsed Beam Extraction Yes TBD Operating Cyclotron INFN, Legnaro(2013) ARRONAX, France N/A KAERI * Proposed values
Major components of Cyclotron
Ion Source - produces particles to be accelerated Magnet - keeps particles on a circular motion RF system - accelerates beams Extraction System - guides particles out of the cyclotron Vacuum System Cooling System Diagnostics Ref : Livingood, Cyclic Particle Accelerators
Extraction system with Carbon foil
B=1.36Tesla E=[(qB)2/2m]r2 (1) Sectors, (2) Dees, (3) Conuter-dees, (4) Valleys, (5) Accelerating Gap, (6) Stripper (carbon foil). Green solid line indicates for H- ion trajectory and dotted line for H+ ion trajectory.
Cyclotron structure IBA 235 MeV IBA Cyclone 18 MeV
Key Issues for Cyclotron at RISP
Carbon foil lifetime for 1mA Proton - 30,000uAh average accumulated for 30MeV 250uA operating 2. Pulsed beam for Neutron TOF measurements 3. Uniform Beam Distribution for ISOL Targets
Carbon foil lifetime extension
Autoradiograph of the stripper foil after several H- runs. (Olof Solin at Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland.) Before Used After Used for ~ 20,000uAh
Principle of Stripper Carbon foils to extract positive protons by stripping two electrons from accelerated negative protons. Therefore a good quality of carbon foil is necessary to extract proton beam stable for a long time. The lifetime of stripping foils is limited by several factors- extracting currents, the foil thickness, the repetition rate Ref : Submitted, J.H.Kim et al., JKPS (2012)
Energy by protons : (1.70keV) x (1x10-3A) = 1.70W
Theory of heat transfer -1 □ Energy deposition: Instantaneous power going through the carbon foil with 70MeV 1mA with a 6-mm circular diameter. Power going through the carbon foil (1um thickness) can be defined as the product of energy loss (∆W) and current : P = ∆W x I (1) Energy by protons : (1.70keV) x (1x10-3A) = 1.70W Ener. by electrons : (70MeV/1,836) x 2mA = 76.26W □ Temperature Increase + Thermal Radiation: The power P is equal to the sum of the increase in thermal energy of the stripper material: P = ΔW∙I = m∙c∙(dT/dt) + 2ε∙σ∙(T4-To4) ∙S (2)
Stopping power was estimated by SRIM program (8.51MeV(g/cm2))
PSTAR : Stopping Power for Protons Stopping power was estimated by SRIM program (8.51MeV(g/cm2)) (reference:
ESTAR : Stopping Power for Electrons
Stopping power was estimated by ESTAR program (7.25MeV(g/cm2)) (
T converges to the equilibrium temperature
Theory of heat transfer -2 T converges to the equilibrium temperature (To can be neglected if T>>To). It could be led to a simple form following: T = (ΔW∙I/2ε∙σ∙S)1/ (3) The highest (averaged) temperature is reached at the center of the beam distribution where the current density is maximum. Considering a Gaussian beam distribution in the transverse plane: Tmax = (ΔW∙I/4∙𝜋∙ε∙σ∙<x><y>)1/4 (4)
Estimated Temperature
Summary of estimated power deposited through the carbon foil by 70MeV negative protons with 1mA current (assume 2mm diameter) *Assumed the surface density of carbon foil as 2g/cm3. ** stopping power was calculated by SRIM program *** Kinetic energy of electrons were used 70MeV/1,836 = 38.13keV. Two electrons are to be assumed release their kinetic energies into the foils. Two electrons are released, therefore the power is estimated as 38.13keV x 2mA = 76.26W. Thickness (μm)* 100μg/cm2 (0.5) 200μg/cm2 (1.0) 400μg/cm2 (2.0) 800μg/cm2 (4.0) By stopping power(W)** 0.85 1.70 3.40 6.80 By electrons (W)*** 76.26 Total (W) 77.11 77.96 79.66 83.06 Temperature (K) 2,430 2,270 2,090 1,910
Experimental Setup with Electron Beam
Beam Size and Temperature Variation
with electron beam irradiation
Before and after foils with electron beam irradiation After
Surface Temperatures as a function
of Beam current
Foil Temperature and Lifetime Expectation
Summary and Future Work
The thermal distribution of carbon foils by electrons simulated as a function of foil thickness at extracting 70MeV 1mA protons. Investigated the correlation between carbon foil thickness and its lifetime, a thicker foil is longer then thinner one. Reducing the peak temperatures with proper methods will increase the foil’s lifetime. To extend its lifetime at 1mA extraction, the wide beam size and a thicker foil should be considered for the long run.
2. Pulsed Beam Generation for Neutron
(30~60MHz 10k ~ 1MHz) Injection line (low energy Buncher + Chopper) 2. High Energy Chopper 3. RF Modulation
Resonance Cyclotron Frequency (30MHz)
Pulsed Beam Generation Scheme for Neutron TOF measurement system Current Time Ion Source Continuous beam Chopper Buncher Low frequency Matching Beam Resonance Cyclotron Frequency (30MHz) RF System High frequency A B C D E Target E
Characteristic Continuous Wave (CW)
Ipeak Intensity Tp=33nsec Iave Time τp=3nsec □ Resonance Frequency (f) = 30MHz □ Pulse Period(Tp) = 33nsec □ Average Beam Current (Iave) = 1mA □ Number of particles per pulse (n) = Iave /f = 2x108 (particles/pulse) □ Peak Current (Ipeak) = n/τp = 10mA □ Average Current (Iave) = n/Tp = 1mA ≈ Peak Current (Ipeak) x Duty factor
Particles per macrobunch / Repetition rate
100ns Bunch Length / 5MHz Repetition Rate □ Num. per macropulse (N) = τbunch /Tp∙2x108 □ Macrobunch Current (Imac) = N∙Q/τbunch ≅ 1mA □ Average Current (Iave) ≈ N∙Q/2∙τbunch = 0.5mA Particles per macrobunch / Repetition rate Intensity Time Ipeak Iave τp=3nsec Tp=33nsec macropulse macrobunch τbunch=100nsec Imac
Beam currents at Ipeak=10mA, f=30MHz
Parameters Feasibility Macrobunch length Repetition Rate (Hz) Particles per macrobunch Macrobunch average current Average current 3 ns 1 MHz (1µs) 2x108 10 mA 30 µA 0.1 MHz (10µs) 3 µA 0.1 KHz (10ms) 0.003 µA 100 ns 1 MHz(1µs) 6x108 1 mA 100 µA 0.1 MHz(10µs) 10 µA 0.1 KHz(10ms) 0.01 µA 10 µs 6x1010 1,000 µA 1 µA 10 Hz(100ms) 0.1 µA Ipeak High Peak Current is Required? Intensity τbunch Repetition Rate Time
Injection system for pulsing Beam with high current ion source
Beam Optics and Pulsing Effect Matching the Beam Phase Space of longitudinal direction (Bunching)
Trace 3D Simulation for axial injection line
Input parameters: Rest mass : 931 MeV, Kinetic energy : 30 keV, Current : 15 mA, Charge state : -1, Transverse emittance : 300 pi mm-mrad, Beam size : 10 mm, alpha : 0, Energy spread : 1 %, Total length : 2.2 m, Focal length of thin lens : 22 cm, Solenoid length : 40 cm, Solenoid strength : 1470 G, Quadrupole strength : 0. J.Y. Lee (Postec)
3. Uniform Beam Generation for ISOL Target
Passive Scattering - Energy degradation and Beam Loss 2. Active Scanning - Wobbling methods to produce a uniform irradiation field Multipole Magnets - Particles in beam tail are folded into the center region by the nonlinear field effects
Transfer beam line design after stripping extraction
Based on the results from the beam optics calculation, the idiographic magnets in the lines including quadrupoles, bending magnets, steering magnet, switching magnets. Wobbling magnet is used in this case to enhance the good uniformity of beam distribution. Transport Beam Line Uniform Beam Distribution for ISOL Target High Transport Efficiency
Uniform Beam Generation Scheme for ISOL Target System
K.R.Kim et al., Proceedings of IPAC’10, Kyoto, Japan (2010)
Various Wobbling Methods
Beam pattern(left), Magnetic field wave form (right)
Formation of a Uniform Ion Beam using Multipole Magnets
It is possible to fold the tails of the transverse beam profile to the inside, or even to make the beam intensity distribution uniform in a beam transport system by means of a nonlinear focusing method. A two-dimensionally uniform beam has been formed using sextupole and octupole magnets. An example of an off-center Gaussian beam approximately uniform only with sextupole and octupole Magnets. FORMATION OF A UNIFORM ION BEAM USING MULTIPOLE MAGNETS, Y. Yuri et al., Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Uniform Beam using Multipole Magnets
Layout of the magnets. QF (QD) denotes the horizontally focusing (defocusing) quadrupole magnet. Two couples of sextupole (effective axial length: 33 cm, maximum gradient: 3.0×102 T/m2) and octupole magnets (effective axial length: 33 cm, maximum gradient: 1.3×104 T/m3) 2D intensity distribution of a 10 MeV proton beam on the target. FORMATION OF A UNIFORM ION BEAM USING MULTIPOLE MAGNETS, Y. Yuri et al., Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ref : SPES project at INFN
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