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Basic Rules Keep it simple.. Make bulleted points easy to read. Keep text easy to understand. Use concise wording. Bullets are focal points. Presenter.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Rules Keep it simple.. Make bulleted points easy to read. Keep text easy to understand. Use concise wording. Bullets are focal points. Presenter."— Presentation transcript:


2 Basic Rules Keep it simple.. Make bulleted points easy to read. Keep text easy to understand. Use concise wording. Bullets are focal points. Presenter provides elaboration. Keep font size large.

3 Basic Presentation Mistakes. Too much information. Reader gets distracted Audiences are much more receptive to the spoken word.

4 Avoid Text Overload Having too much text on the screen can defeat the purpose of using PowerPoint. The slides begin to look like a jumble of text, making slides difficult to read and unrecognizable from each other. People will either try to read everything or copy everything down or they will lose interest. List only the key points. If you have more info to include use more slides or create handouts.

5 Basic Rules That You Must Have to Have a Good Presentation. One of the most common mistakes in creating a presentation is to place too much information on the screen. This can cause the reader to become distracted from the speaker…just like you are now. Audiences are much more receptive to the spoken word.

6 Basic Power Point Guidelines Use builds…don’t give them too much info at once. Stick with the same transition. Be creative but leave some color choices to professionals. Six to Seven words per line. Six lines per page.

7 Effective PowerPoint Avoid long sentences –7 words per line –6 lines per slide –Understanding vs. Overload

8 Effective PowerPoint Don’t read your screen –Remember, PowerPoint presentations shouldn’t be used as cue cards. Bullet points should prompt you. Besides, your audience will read faster than you will talk. Plus your back will be them. Which leads to the next point…

9 Basic Rules for Presentations Balance. Do not center bullet points. It makes the text ragged. And hard to read and follow with your eyes.

10 Basic Rules for Presentations Balance. Generally, left-justify bullets. This keeps things neat.. and easy to follow.

11 Basic Rules for Presentations Balance. Centered graphics leave little room for text.

12 Basic Rules for Presentations Balance. Place graphics off-center. More room for text. Better balance. More pleasing to the eye. Left placement leads the eye to the text.

13 Basic Rules- Capitalization AVOID ALL CAPS – VERY HARD TO READ. First Cap - More Formal. Harder To Type And More Decisions. This is an example of capitalizing the first word. Less formal. Easier to type and fewer decisions.

14 Use Restraint With Fonts Employ only a few..stick to familiar fonts Stay away from gimmicky fonts unless for a theme. Keep type sizes consistent. Serif vs San Serif. DON’T USE ALL CAPS.

15 Choose Fonts Wisely Italics are more difficult to read. Use bold when you want some words to stand out. Font size –Easy to read (18 pt) –Easy to read (24 pt) –Easy to read (32 pt) –Easy to read (48 pt)

16 Choosing a Color Scheme Stick with power point defaults. What may look good on your computer may be unreadable in the classroom. Remember to use strong, contrasting colors.

17 Use Contrasting Colors Light colors on dark background. Dark colors on light background.

18 ColorsColorsColorsColors Reds and oranges are high-energy but can be difficult to stay focused on. Greens, blues, and browns are mellower, but not as attention grabbing. Reds and Greens can be difficult to see for those who are color blind.

19 Avoid These Combinations Examples: –Green on Blue –Dark Yellow on Green –Purple on Blue –Orange on Green –Red on Green Don’t !

20 ColorsColorsColorsColors Large Hall Events White –Avoid White Backgrounds –The white screen can be blinding in a dark room –Dark SlidesLight Colored Text –Dark Slides with Light Colored Text Work Best Don’t

21 Use Contrasting Colors Good BadGoodBad !GoodBadGoodBadGood

22 This is a good mix of colors. Readable! Background Colors Remember: Readability! Readability! Readability! This is a bad mix of colors. Low contrast. Unreadable! This is a good mix of colors. Readable! This is a bad mix of colors. Avoid bright colors on white. Unreadable!

23 Effective PowerPoint Use contrasting color schemes (design templates)‏ These colors contrast These colors don’t contrast These colors contrast (harder to read?)‏ These colors don’t contrast These colors contrast (harder to read?)‏

24 Use a Template Use a set font and color scheme. Different styles are disconcerting to the audience. You want the audience to focus on what you present, not the way you present.

25 Background Use the Same Background on Each Slide Do !!

26 Don’t! Don’t use multiple backgrounds in your presentation Don’t use multiple backgrounds in your presentation Changing the style is distracting Changing the style is distracting

27 Clip Art & Graphics A few excellent graphics are better than many poor ones. Photographs can be powerful. Use sparingly!

28 Religious leader Civil rights activist Author/poet Labor activist Minister Antiwar activist

29 Martin Luther King Jr. Religious leader Civil rights activist Author/poet Labor activist Minister Antiwar activist


31 Effective PowerPoint Use images to communicate… Don’t over power the audience with graphics or style… but with the information. The medium is not the message. The information is the message


33 This is a good title size Verdana 40 point A good subtitle or bullet point size Verdana 32 point Content text should be no smaller than Verdana 24 point This font size is not recommended for content. Verdana 12 point. Font Size  The larger, the better. Remember, your slides must be readable, even at the back of the room.

34 TIPS Presentation: 3/8/2004 Dawn Thomas, CRM Don’t ! Font Size  What does this say? Garamond Font, Italic, Bold 12pt. This is very difficult to read. Times Font, Bold, 12pt. This point could be lost. Century Gothic Font, Bold, Italic, 14pt. No one will be able to read this. Gill Sans Font, Condensed Bold, 12pt  Combining small font sizes with bold or italics is not recommended:  Small fonts are okay for a footer, such as:

35 Fonts Don’t Sacrifice Readability for Style Don’t !

36 Caps and Italics DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS –Makes text hard to read –Conceals acronyms –Denies their use for EMPHASIS Italics –Used for “quotes” –Used to highlight thoughts or ideas –Used for book, journal, or magazine titles

37 Limit Text Per Slide Large font size increases legibility and forces the issue of limiting text per slide




41 Audio – embedded or linked Small audio clips will automatically be imbedded in PowerPoint Large audio clips will be linked Be sure to include linked clips when transferring a PowerPoint with externally linked files otherwise your presentation will lack that which will not exist on the computer to which the presentation has been transferred

42 Video – always linked PowerPoint can run video PowerPoint links to video move the video with the PowerPoint Make sure the computer to run the presentation has the codec to run the video Test the PowerPoint before hand to avoid fix or be aware of problems






48 “10 20 30” Rule 10 means a power point presentation should have no more than 10 slides. 20 means it should last no more than twenty minutes. 30 means the fonts should not be smaller than thirty points.

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