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Part 1 Technique PowerPoint hints 1. Don ’ t READ your presentation!

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Presentation on theme: "Part 1 Technique PowerPoint hints 1. Don ’ t READ your presentation!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Part 1 Technique

3 PowerPoint hints 1. Don ’ t READ your presentation!

4 PowerPoint hints 2. Don ’ t allow PowerPoint to OVERPOWER YOU!

5 PowerPoint hints 3. Don ’ t use more than 5-7 words per slide/entry 5-7 words

6 PowerPoint hints 3. Don ’ t use narrow fonts! (use Arial Black or Helvetica Black) Times (too narrow) Arial Black (better)

7 PowerPoint hints 4. Each page must make an IMPACT!

8 PowerPoint hints 5. Combine text with MEANINGFUL photos, maps, graphics

9 Note size difference: is bigger better?

10 Note size difference: is bigger better?

11 Frame, animate and/or highlight key portions Alaska Maps Graphs

12 PowerPoint hints 6. is effective MOTION (or movement)

13 PowerPoint hints 7. Insert SECTION BREAKS Sample -->

14 Sample section break


16 PowerPoint hints 8. Info can at times be presented in quick sequence (a lot can be said/shown in 30 seconds if packaged right!) Sample -->

17 No hay tarea Now watch this BRIEF effect:

18 PowerPoint hints 9. Brief Videos or sounds samples (from country you are Presenting if appropriate) can be very effective

19 PowerPoint hints Guatemala American Indian language: Kagchiquel

20 PowerPoint hints 10. Start your project early!

21 PowerPoint hints 11. Your names should appear prominently at the beginning (and end?) of your PowerPoint show (and for more than a second!)

22 PowerPoint hints 12. Familiarize yourself with the available equipment (in classroom)

23 PowerPoint hints 13. Be mindful of the time limit! You may not go past the allotted time.

24 PowerPoint hints 14. 1. Practice! 2. Practice! 3. Practice! 3 things you must do:

25 PowerPoint hints 15. Have a BACK-UP PLAN (save PPT in multiple locations- not just fusion!)

26 PowerPoint hints 16. Speak CLEARLY (= loud voice)

27 PowerPoint hints 17. LANGUAGE? PPT=Spanish You may speak English.

28 PowerPoint hints 18. PRESENTATION: Notecards or printout of slides are permitted But do NOT read directly from them!

29 Questions? Comments?

30 Part 2 Content

31 Intro Discuss Main part Conclu- sion

32 TO INSERT VIDEOS INTO YOUR PPT: Good place to find cultural videos:


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