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Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

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1 Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.


3  Plant & vegetables  Animals  Swage  Soil  Water  Air  Processing  Handling Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

4  Different Flora according to plant type  Washed or non washed  Sources : water, Soil, Sewage, Air, Animals Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

5  Untreated sweage Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

6  Different kind of microorganisms ] Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

7  Skin, Gastrointestinal tract, Respiratory Tract  Salmonellosis  Mechanical damage by flyies Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

8  Public health  Economic Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

9  Public health  Economic  Resiratory tract infection  Auxotroph  Wind, sunlight, humadity,  Dust  Natural treatment Sedimentation, sunlight, rain, snow  Chemical, UV, Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

10  Harvestion  Handing  Processing packaging  Sanitize Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

11 The chain of production from ‘farm to fork’ of food from animals 11 Production Processing Final preparation and cooking Farm, Feedlot, Fishing site Slaughter Plant, Cannery, Packer, Food Factory Final Kitchen: commercial, institutional or domestic Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

12 The chain of production from farm to fork - prevention can occur at each step 12 Production Processing Final preparation and cooking Feed, water, manure treatment, biosecurity, probiotics, vaccines HACCP, slaughter hygiene, pathogen reduction and elimination (pasteurization, irradiation) Cooking, preventing cross-contamination, worker education and hand washing Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

13 WHO ‘ten golden rules’  Food processed for safety  Thoroughly cook  Eat immediately  Store carefully  Reheat thoroughly 13 Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

14  No contact between raw & cooked  Wash hands  Keep food preparation surfaces clean  Protect from pests  Use potable water September 2005116.407 VPH & MH14 Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

15 Approximately 1/3 rd of all food manufactured in world is lost to spoilage Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

16 Shelf life Non-perishable foods (pasta) Semiperishable foods (bread) Perishable foods (eggs) Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

17  Microbial Growth  Flys  Chemical reactions  Physical Trial version of Okdo Document Converter Professional.

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