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JSWEC Conference Julie Gosling, Jackie Martin and Mick Wilkinson.

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Presentation on theme: "JSWEC Conference Julie Gosling, Jackie Martin and Mick Wilkinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 JSWEC Conference Julie Gosling, Jackie Martin and Mick Wilkinson

2 Aims To share what we have learnt in our partnership on the Adults PQ Award at De Montfort University To share our reflections in a consideration of ‘growing spaces’ To identify implications in relation to the social work Task Force To encourage you to think of your own growing spaces.

3 Context for partnership Julie-service user movement Many service user innovations now incorporated as best practice Civil rights movement of service users and carers – ‘Nothing about us without us’ Government listened and responded with relevant legislation

4 Context for partnership local authority drivers Modernisation and Personalisation agendas National and local initiatives to improve the quality of services for people within Nottinghamshire and across the country All implemented against the backdrop of public sector spending cuts and efficiency savings

5 Context for partnership De Montfort Uni was already working in partnership with two local authorities within the previous PQ framework, and I was recruited to validate a programme under the new framework. This was a chance to do things differently and to forge new partnerships.

6 Question Partnership-what does it mean? Julie-quotation from PQ candidate (“we use the words partnership, empowerment and choice……..”) What did we each bring to this partnership?

7 What we brought to the partnership o The fertile soil of personal experience o A genuine sense of nurture and caring for one another o Innovative ways of learning and growing

8 What we brought to the partnership A lived understanding that when labels and boundaries are removed, people blossom to achieve their real potential The catalyst of challenging behaviour An appreciation of the shared experience of social workers and service users within social work systems

9 What we brought to the partnership Commitment to the programme Belief in the value of this type of training based upon personal experience and outcomes Awareness of changing practice Acknowledgement of the programme’s development within a ‘growing space’

10 What we brought to the partnership Understanding of statutory requirements Pragmatism

11 What we brought to the partnership o A commitment to improving how the programme worked in partnership with service users and local authorities so it was not just ‘tokenism’ and a personal willingness to learn from others on how to achieve this. o A willingness to learn from times when things go wrong

12 Partnership We were all determined that this would be a genuine partnership. Different approaches and experiences in other programmes What was it about our partnership that made it a positive experience for all?

13 Reflection When we reflected on this we found it helpful to think of our experience in terms of a ‘growing space’. There is a body of literature using the concept of space to understand situations (references at end)

14 Previously This space under the previous PQ framework had been occupied by academics, agency workers and sometimes service users were invited to plan and contribute to the teaching of sessions.

15 Whose space is it anyway? Service users sometimes feel like ‘invited guests’ at someone else's’ party. The challenge was to make this space belong to all the partners-service users, agency partners and academics Re evaluate all the time

16 What is important in this space? Process is as important as any outcomes so when Kevin Chettle was invited to be the joint Chair of the Stakeholder Board, it was important to work in a way which supported everyone to make their unique contributions.

17 What is important in this space? Mirroring agreed principles and values Openness to challenge of existing ways of doing things e.g. conference Relationships-commitment of key players within the partnership to ensure the values are embedded Shared passion

18 What is important in this space? Process equally important to outcomes Validation and healing Joint ownership Joint acknowledgment and reward

19 What is important about this space? It is: Welcoming Supportive but not always comfortable Non labelling and non labelled

20 What is important about this space? Place where people can be curious Not instant answers but commitment to finding a joint solution Experimental learning processes

21 What is important about the people that occupy this space? They feel welcome They believe in one another They know they have a role to play and a voice to be heard They are willing to learn from each other

22 What is important about the people that occupy this space? They are willing to listen to others in the space They are willing to take responsibility They are willing to take risks They welcome constructive challenge

23 Putting it into practice Julie-Consolidation module Planned in partnership with SU’s / DMU / Agencies Teaching developed by SU’s to meet PQ outcomes and delivered by SU’s. Blackboard task assessed by SU’s and a joint values statement produced to guide candidates through the module / award.

24 Putting it into practice Examples from a local authority; (candidates comments/ team manager responses / links to outcomes for service users) How this links to the Task Force recommendations NQSW / CPD / leadership

25 Budding Organic nature of a growing space Examples of how this has led to other growing spaces – entire PQ Programme, University SW dept. Leicester OP partnership and peer led research Additional local projects and student placements

26 Over to you Can we really have a growing space in today’s challenging environment?

27 Over to you What will help you develop your own growing space? What will restrict this space?

28 Over to you What are your top tips for creating a growing space?

29 Idea of space Hickey, S. and Mohan,G. (2004) Participation From Tyranny to Transformation, London, Zed Books Moss, P. and Petrie, P. (2002) From Children’s Services to Children’s Spaces, London, Routledge Falmer Parr, H. (2008) Mental Health and Social Space, Singapore, Blackwell

30 Links to literature Hickey and Mohan (2004)-talk of the space for involving people in change in the Third World Moss and Petrie (2002)-talk of the space for children and young people to be involved in children's’ services Parr (2008)-talks about social space and people who use mental health services

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