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St Mary’s House Lutterworth Extra care housing for older people Our service - Sally Taylor.

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Presentation on theme: "St Mary’s House Lutterworth Extra care housing for older people Our service - Sally Taylor."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Mary’s House Lutterworth Extra care housing for older people Our service - Sally Taylor

2 History of the scheme Old Rectory was purchased by EMH in 1996 in order to develop a service for older people in conjunction with Harborough DC and the diocese De Montfort University Needs survey identified need for an innovative scheme – context of existing hard to let sheltered schemes in district Extra care model adopted

3 Extra care model Housing framework for an alternative to residential care Key components Independent living space/individual home Tenancy/lease High quality/enabling accommodation Flexible care and support packages Flexible services tailored to meet individual needs

4 The Building Capital finance HDC, EMH and the Housing Corporation agreed to joint fund the capital costs of the scheme with a contribution by HDC of £700,000 Advantages and disadvantages of using existing building/Georgian Rectory Character, location, integration with community Only able to achieve 28 units – implications for revenue funding

5 Key Features of the building 28 one bedroom self contained flats Sensitive design Communal facilities include two lounges, dining room, laundry, hairdressing, two bathrooms, and small shop facility Under floor heating 100% wheelchair accessible

6 The Services A multi agency working group was involved in setting up the project including key agencies such as Social Services, health and housing OT input into design PCT/GP acceptance Range of integrated care and support

7 Key features of the Service Care is separate from the support and housing provision Joint operational meetings with agencies involved Partnership arrangement with care and support Involvement of housing provider in care tender process Close working relationship between parties Clarity of roles and expectations Full time Scheme Manager from Housing provider to deal with day to day operational difficulties 24 hour care staff cover at a senior level Emergency cover provided by Local Authority

8 Key Principles Home for as long as possible for residents Strong resident involvement Philosophy of encouraging and promoting independence Cleaning service for residents provided by external contractor and charged as part of the support charge Catering service provided by external contractor and charged as part of the service charge for main meal daily Tenancy support provided by dedicated staff

9 Key Lessons Learnt Need to work in partnership with care provider, Social Services and Housing Resident needs are paramount and seamless service is the aim One person responsible for co-ordinating complaints and feedback on all services Quality of the service, staff, training and support is key for residents Bureaucracy and admin for different funding providers should not impact on the residents

10 Breakdown of charges £54.96 Net rent £107.00 Service charge including - Scheme Manager %, meals, heating, water, window cleaning, landscaping, laundry, provisions. £48.58 Support charge( Supporting people ) £ 210.54 TOTAL COST

11 We are still learning…. Any Questions ???????

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