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WP 6: Analysis and evaluation Hans H. K. Andersen Cogain Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 6: Analysis and evaluation Hans H. K. Andersen Cogain Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 6: Analysis and evaluation Hans H. K. Andersen Cogain Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland

2 Objectives  Identify new and enhanced ways to explore, analyse, and visualise eye movement data customised with respect to and adapted for the information needs of the end-users  Define evaluation methods and metrics for gaze interaction, especially for eye typing

3 Partners involved  1. University of Tampere, Finland Person months: 12,5  2. ITU IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark  3. BH Bisbebjerg University Hospital, Denmark  5. RISOE Risø National Laboratory, Denmark  6. DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark  7. TUD Dresden University of Technology, Germany  8. UKO-LA University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany  9. UzL University of Lübeck, Germany  11. PdT Politecnico di Torino, Italy  12. SU Siauliai University, Lithuania  14. Tobii Tobii Technology, Sweden  17. UoD University of Derby, UK  18. DMU De Montfort University, UK  19. TIT Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

4 Tasks 1/2  T6.1 Analysis tools for eye movement data The identification of potential visualisation and exploratory analysis techniques for eye movement data, and on the development of a demonstrator multimodal eye-movement data analysis tool within a selected domain  T6.2 Evaluation metrics and methodology (a) user needs and further development of eye movement tracking evaluation methods and metrics (b) asessment and analysis of eye movement tracking interfaces (developed within COGAIN network) (c) field and laboratory studies of individual user activities when using the eye movement tracking systems.

5 Deliverables  D6.1 State of the art report of evaluation methodology (Month 12 – September 2005)

6 Milestones  M6.1 Approved report on methods and metrics for evaluation and benchmarking of eye typing systems (September 2005)  M6.2 Demonstration of a multimodal eye-movement analysis tool (February 2005)

7 Current Status  Development and test of a low-cost gaze controlled video conference system for disabled people (grant application)  Memory-based algorithms for discriminating dynamic signatures  Eye movement based assessment of the applicability of think- aloud protocols in human-computer interaction evaluation studies  Preparing journal article on visual interaction (mutual gaze)

8 To do  Combination and integration of partners knowledge about methods and metrics for evaluation and benchmarking of eye typing systems  Combination and integration of knowledge and co-development of innovative eye data analysis tools  Input from partners (1-2 pages, October 15) in terms of Stating interest of participating in work package Expected contribution to deliverable 6.1 Suggestions to ways of collaborating (e.g. work shops, joint research) Suggestions for WP internal milestones  Plans for joint dissemination

9 Discussion  Comments, ideas, etc.  Contact person for WP6: Hans H. K. Andersen  Email address:

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