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Acne Vulgaris Prepared by: Dr. Murtadha Hashim Raheem MBChB;FICMS بورد ( دكتوراه ) اختصاص الامراض الجلديةوالتناسلية

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Presentation on theme: "Acne Vulgaris Prepared by: Dr. Murtadha Hashim Raheem MBChB;FICMS بورد ( دكتوراه ) اختصاص الامراض الجلديةوالتناسلية"— Presentation transcript:

1 Acne Vulgaris Prepared by: Dr. Murtadha Hashim Raheem MBChB;FICMS بورد ( دكتوراه ) اختصاص الامراض الجلديةوالتناسلية Email: Facebook : murtadha kinani

2  Acne vulgaris Chronic inflammatory condition associated with blockage of pilosebaceous ducts and appears on skin areas with numerous sebaceous glands.

3  Male = female.  age of 13 - 14 years in females and 15-16 years in males.  The severest forms occurs more in males, but the disease tends to be more persistent in females.


5 1. Diet. 2. Mental stress. 3. Occupation: ex. cutting oils in industry. 4. Premenstrual flare up. 5. Sweating. 6. UV radiation. 7. Hair epilation.




9  Acne vulgarisSteroid acne History of steroidNoyes Lesionspolymorphicmonomorphic comedonePresentabsent scaringyesno Onsetgradualsudden


11 Acne conglobata



14  The main lines of treatment are directed to reverse: Excessive sebum production. Abnormal follicular desquamation. Proliferation of P. acnes. Inflammation.

15  Local Measures.  Systemic Treatment:  Antibiotics.  Dapsone for resistant cases.  Oral retinoid.  Oral corticosteroids for severe inflammatory acne.  Hormonal therapy.

16  Physical :  Intralesional steroid injection for nodulocystic acne.  Comedone extraction or UV light for comedonal acne.  Cryotherapy.  Scar correction.


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