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Phases of the French Revolution Bourgeois Phase 1789-1792 Radical Phase1793-1794 The Directory 1795-1799 Napoleon1799-1814 (1804-1814 as emperor)

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Presentation on theme: "Phases of the French Revolution Bourgeois Phase 1789-1792 Radical Phase1793-1794 The Directory 1795-1799 Napoleon1799-1814 (1804-1814 as emperor)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Phases of the French Revolution Bourgeois Phase 1789-1792 Radical Phase1793-1794 The Directory 1795-1799 Napoleon1799-1814 (1804-1814 as emperor)

3 Convening the Estates General May, 1789 Last time it was called into session was 1614!

4 gabelle: tax on salt (nobility, clergy and special individuals exempt) aides: aides: excise taxes, levied on the sale of items as diverse as wine, tobacco, and iron taille: taille: arbitrary tax on French subjects (nobility/clergy exempt) :. Only on peasants Revenue

5 Expenditure interest: interest: on loans taken out by previous French monarchs from other nations and individuals to pay for military and wars military: to protect colonies, trade routes, fight king’s wars: Seven Years’ War (1756–1763) American Revolution (1775–1783) Versailles: money needed to keep the nobility & foreign dignitaries entertained, up keep of palace

6 The French Urban Poor What were the reasons for this increase?

7 Commoners 3rd Estate Aristocracy 2nd Estate Clergy 1st Estate Voting by Estate: -equal representation of the classes 1 1 1 Louis XIV insisted that the ancient distinction of the three orders be conserved in its entirety.

8 Commoners 3rd Estate Aristocracy 2nd Estate Clergy 1st Estate What if Estates General voted by head? –who would benefit from this vote? 300 648

9 Commoners 3rd Estate Aristocracy 2nd Estate Clergy 1st Estate Bourgeoisie Urban dwellers Rural pesants


11 Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes What is the Third Estate? Everything! What has it been in this political order? Nothing! What does it demand? To become something! Abbé Sieyès 1748-1836

12 The Tennis Court Oath by Jacques Louis David June 20, 1789 Moderates in the National Assembly attempt to limit power of the monarchy and guarantee basic reform

13 The Declaration of the Rights of Man The National Assembly created The Declaration of the Rights of Man Stated the principle that all men had equal rights under the law. This document has remained the basis for all subsequent declarations of human rights.

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