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Long Term Causes of the French Rev: Wars of Louis XIV and XV.

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Presentation on theme: "Long Term Causes of the French Rev: Wars of Louis XIV and XV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long Term Causes of the French Rev: Wars of Louis XIV and XV

2 Enlightenment Ideals Voltaire at 24 yrs old Perry p.102 “literary men” “deduced from reason” “the sight of so many unjust or absurd privileges” Rousseau

3 Versailles

4 Ineffective tax structure The Tax Collector. Pieter Brueghel. Art Gallery of South Australia.

5 Short Term Causes: Louis XVI

6 Marie Antoinette

7 Poor Harvests

8 Parlement of Paris

9 If Louis forced Necker’s rec on France Looks like a tyrant or despot. Looks like he cannot make his own decisions.

10 If Louis convoked the Estates General Looks weak – first time it would have been called together in 175 years! Looks weak because the king cannot solve the nation’s problems.

11 Convoking of the Estates General May 5, 1789

12 Voting in the Estates General Each Estate has 300 representatives Each Estate gets one vote How will spending bills/taxes get voted? New voting in 1789: double the representation of the 3 rd Estate; keep it at one vote per Estate.

13 This amazingly rich sketch by Jacques–Louis David is one of the most famous works from the French revolutionary era. The thrust of the bodies together and toward the center stand for unity. The spectators, including children at the top right, all join the spectators. Even the clergy, so vilified later, join in the scene. Only one person, possibly Marat, in the upper left– hand corner, turns his back on the celebration. And, in fact, David is commemorating a great moment of the Revolution on 20 June 1789, in which the deputies, mainly those of the Third Estate, now proclaiming that they represent the nation, stand together against a threatened dispersal.

14 This allegorical image represents the sentiments of social unity that the National Assembly sought to promote through the Festival of the Federation of 14 July 1790. This festival, though technically but a military parade of units from around the country, also implied to most observers the unity of all orders and classes.


16 This image ridicules monks for contributing nothing to society, either economically or demographically, by depicting a group of them being taken from the monastery and drafted into the army, where they hope "to become good citizens" as was expected under religious restructuring. To bring the clergy under the control of the new government, on 12 July 1790, the National Assembly passed the measure that became known as the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. It targets not Catholicism but past clerical abuses. The measure sought to create a "revolutionary" clergy, which would serve the people rather than rule over them. "Monks Learning to Exercise."

17 With the Bastille being destroyed in the background, a member of the Third Estate breaks his shackles. Here, the clergy and nobility recoil in fear, thereby emphasizing the conflict between the estates.

18 Long Live the King! Long Live the Nation! On the right, the French peasant of the old regime is weighed down by the burden of the clergy and nobility. The birds and rabbits, protected by the game laws, destroy his crops. In the center the three orders are united by the Revolution. At the left the peasant emerges victorious

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