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Targeted Earlier Intervention Program Reform Update June 2016.

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1 Targeted Earlier Intervention Program Reform Update June 2016

2 2 Reform direction The goal of the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program reform is to design a contemporary, client-centred service system, within existing resources. In order to achieve this, FACS identified five aims for the reform: 1.Improve outcomes for clients of TEI services 2.Create a service system continuum grounded in evidence- based best practice 3.Target resources to those with the greatest needs 4.Facilitate district decision making on the design and delivery of local services 5.Increase flexibility so that clients are at the centre of the system.

3 FACS Targeted Earlier Intervention Programs ProgramsContractsFunding Families NSW241$26.5m Aboriginal Child Youth and Family Strategy (ACYFS)51$4.3m Triple P-$0.48m Child Youth and Family Support (CYFS)295$54.2m Youth Hope6$10.2m Getting it Together15$2.1m Community Builders385$43.1m Staying Home Leaving Violence19$5.0m Integrated Domestic and Family Violence Services8$3.5m TOTAL1,020$149.38

4 4

5 ‘What you told us’ Consultation Report 1.Greater flexibility would enable TEI services to achieve better outcomes for clients 2.New approaches are needed to improve access to and awareness of services for priority ‘at risk’ groups 3. Aboriginal needs and priorities must inform the design and delivery of TEI services 4. TEI services are more effective when delivered through local partnerships, networks and integrated approaches 5. Although outcomes are being achieved through current TEI programs, more people could be assisted earlier 6.Improved information systems and sharing would result in more outcome focused and evidence-based service delivery 7.The capability of practitioners and services drives effective service delivery 8. Changes to funding arrangements would build confidence across the sector 26 consultations sessions attended by over 1,100 participants were held across the FACS districts between August and December 2015.

6 HUNTER NEW ENGLAND Reform Consultation Summary


8 Evidence based programs Staff from Family and Community Services (FACS) districts recently met to talk about ‘Setting the scene for reform’. The Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) spoke about new requirements for their partner agencies to allocate a proportion of their funding towards evidence- based programs to help create a more robust, evidence- based and effective service system for children and families. The DSS, with the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), have developed an online guidebook which profiles evidence-based programs. Providers can choose to deliver programs from the guidebook and an industry list of researchers, practice and evaluation experts has also been developed to assist program providers with evaluation.

9 9 Next steps To keep up to date, register for the TEI Program Reform newsletter via Existing service contracts have been extended until June 2017 Review TEIP related Reports and Research on website July – Program Reforms direction paper October – Service System planning in Districts

10 Any Questions? 10

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