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1 PARENT ORIENTATION GUIDE For more information, contact Cubmaster Tom Barmann at 405-412-3402 or or

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1 1 PARENT ORIENTATION GUIDE For more information, contact Cubmaster Tom Barmann at 405-412-3402 or or

2 2 CUB SCOUT MOTTO DO YOUR BEST Cub Scout Promise I, _ (insert name) __, promise to do my best To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the Law of the Pack. THE LAW OF THE PACK The Cub Scout follows Akela. The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow. The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

3 3 HOW CUB SCOUTING WORKS Scouting is Family Oriented  Activities are intended for the whole family  You work with your son on his advancement award requirements.  Many skills he will learn are family oriented. The Cub Scout Den Your son is a member of a Cub Scout den which consists of boys in one grade. The den meets every Monday except when we have Pack Meetings or Game Nights. Den meetings have games, crafts, songs, ceremonies, and lots of fun while working on achievements toward their rank. The Cub Scout Pack Your son’s den is a member of the Cub Scout Pack. The pack meets once a month-all are invited to attend. The pack meeting is lead by the Cubmaster, who is a volunteer. The pack meeting is the highlight of the month’s den meeting and activities. The meetings have songs, skits, and presentations of badges that boys have earned during the month. The Pack Committee The pack is run by a committee of parents, who are all volunteers. The pack committee is made up of all den leaders, the Cubmaster, Committee Chair, and parents. The pack committee is lead by the chairperson, who is also a volunteer. The committee selects leaders, performs record keeping, manages finances, and help plans out activities for the pack. Cubmaster Tiger Den Leader Wolf Den Leader Bear Den Leader Webelo I Den Leader Webelo II Den Leader Committee Chair Parents Pack Committee Den Leaders

4 4 OTHER CUB SCOUTING TERMS Akela — An Akela is ANY Adult in the child’s life. The parent is the main Akela but grandparents, teachers and pastors can serve as an Akela and can sign off on a item in the scouts book. Cubmaster — The Cubmaster is in charge of the Pack. He/She helps the Den Leaders or boys with any issues they may have. Committee Chair — This person is in charge of the adult part of the Pack. This person takes care of the behind the scene items such as planning or find an adult to help with planning an activity. District — The District is who gives guidance to the Cubmaster or the Committee Chair if issues arise or if there are activities coming up in the District. Council — The Council is over all the districts within its area. The Council is in charge of the camp sites and trainings that are offered to the leaders in Troops and Packs.

5 5 YOUR SON, SCOUTING AND YOU SCOUTING…AN AID TO PARENTS As a parent, you want your son to grow up to be self reliant, dependable, and a caring individual. Scouting has these same goals in mind for him. Since 1910, we have been weaving lifetime values into fun and educational activities designed to assist parents in strengthening character, good citizenship, and physical fitness in youth. Scouting teaches family values…We know that boys do not join Scouting just to get their character built. Boys join because it is FUN. SCOUTING IS FUN WITH A PURPOSE!! Tiger Cub Program Cub Scout Program First Grade or 7 Years of age—Introductory Program Each boy/adult team is a member of a Tiger Cub den that does everything that the other dens do, except go on several outings called Go See It. Second through Fifth Grade Your boy is a member of a den that does games, crafts, songs, ceremonies, and periodic field trips.

6 6 PACK 337 LEADERS Cubmaster: Tom Committee Chair: Jennifer Den Leaders: Tiger — Paul Horton Wolf — Amy Grissom Bear — Mark Luster Webelos I — Mark Vliet 405-760-8606 Webelos II — Shane Jenkins Advancement: Laura Scobey

7 7 The Fun We Have Swimming—Every year Pack 337 visits Pelican Bay for a night of fun and swimming. Juice Box Races—Every start of the school year we have Juice Box Races for the boys to have fun while new prospective parents learn about Scouting. Family Campouts—We several opportunities for family camp outs. We go to Camp George Thomas or we just get together and camp out. Pinewood Derby Races—A Cub Scout tradition is the Pinewood Derby Race. Every year Pack 337 has a great time at the Pinewood Derby. Family members are invited to join in on the fun and create their own car! Lock-In—Pack 337 Tradition-we have a lock-in as our Christmas Party. We watch movies and sleep in the gym of the church. We play games and have a great time. Science Museum—The Oklahoma Science Museum has Scout Day where we go and spend the night at the museum. White Water Bay—Every year White Water Bay has Scout day where you can get in at a discounted price and go have fun as a family. Frontier City—The gates open to scouting families at a discounted price at Frontier City every year. Day Camps—The Eagle District has a Day Camp for the scouts in the District. The scouts go and have a great time while learning about scouts and the great outdoors. Resident Camp—Pack 337 goes to Camp George Thomas and spends several days camping and learning about the out doors. Red Hawks Baseball—For the past several years the Red Hawks have had Scouts in the Infield. This is where scouts can go watch a baseball game, camp out on the baseball field and watch a movie on the big screen. Game Nights—Once a month while the parents are in the Committee Meeting the boys are in the gym earning new beltloops and having fun!

8 8 OTHER PROGRAMS SCOUTING FOR FOOD Every year the scouts in Edmond go around neighborhoods to gather canned goods to help out the HOPE Center. This happens every November. Webelo Woods This is a special campout for Webelos getting ready to enter into Boy Scouts. It is a one night camp out for the boys to see the different Boy Scout Troops in the area. 4th of July Parade Every July the Edmond Scouts help lead the Parade with the different flags and march in the Parade. This has become an Edmond Tradition and all scouts look forward to marching in the parade. Blue & Gold Banquet and Crossover The Blue & Gold Banquet and Crossover for Pack 337 is a time of celebration. We celebrate the Cub Scouting Birthday, the boys accomplishments and the Webelos that are crossing over into Boy Scouts. Graduation Our graduation is another celebration of our boys accomplishments and the next stage of Cub Scouting that they will be entering.

9 9 YOUR ROLE AS A PARENT Cub Scouting encourages closeness to family. The program will give you opportunities to take part in activities with your son. It provides a positive way for parent and son to grow closer together, and encourages you to spend quality time together. In this way, Cub Scouting is a program for the entire family, and your involvement and participation in our programs is vital to the program’s success. FUNDRAISING POPCORN SALES Popcorn helps provide the essential funding to our Pack for awards, programs and camping. Each boy is encouraged to sell popcorn and some of the monies that they earn goes into their account for them to use for activities. PARTICIPATION Scouting operates through VOLUNTEER leadership. The leaders in the pack are volunteers to the scouting program. We ask that parents help by volunteering to help with activities during the school year. Since the scouting program is volunteer based there is a “Where Can I Help” form that we would like each parent to fill out. This form will help us know you better and know what your gifts and talents are that may serve the Pack during the year. COMMUNICATION Our Pack has a web page and a mass email system that we use for communication. As a parent in today’s world, email is one of the most used ways of communication and our Pack uses this avenue often. We also have a FaceBook page that we put important information on. We ask that you watch your email often during the year as we will be sending you reminders and opportunities to serve the Pack via email.

10 10 WHAT WILL SCOUTING COST ME? Scouting Registration & Insurance Fee:$ 24.00 Boys’ Life magazine (optional): $ 12.00 Pack Fees$ 1.00 $ 37.00 /Year Fees are prorated during the year. Note: Initial fees are prorated since they only cover 5 months. Registration fees will be due again in November. NEW MEMBER CHECKLIST Cub Scout Dens:  Tiger  Wolf  Bear  Webelos District: EaglePack: 337 UniformsInsignia Shirts ( Tiger-Bear) $24.99 Council Patch $3.59 Shirt (Webelo) $34.99Unit Numbers $1.49 need 3 (337) Belt & Buckle (optional) $7.99World Crest $1.49 Hat (optional)$12.99 Blue Pants (optional) $24.99 Blue Shorts (optional) $19.99 Books Webelo Pants$39.99BookSpiral Webelo Shorts$14.99Tiger$6.99$12.99 Wolf-Webelo$8.99$14.99 Neckerchiefs & Slides Neckerchiefs$6.99 Pack 337 the scouting pants are optional. Neckerchiefts Webelo$7.99 We allow the boys to wear jeans with their Class A's Slides$4.99

11 11 WHERE CAN I GET SCOUTING MATERIALS? Meinders OKC Scout Shop Your Complete One Stop Scout Shop 3031 NW 64th Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-2426 HOURS Monday- Friday 9 a.m - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday IMPORTANT INFORMATION My Pack :337 My Distrtict:Eagle My Council:Last Frontier My Cubmaster:Tom Barmann My Committee Chair:Jennifer Stovall My Den Leader: ___________________ _____________ (write in Den Leaders Name) My Pack Website: National Council Website: Where do patches go?

12 12 WHERE CAN I HELP?? The following positions all need to be full for our pack to have a successful year. Would you please indicate your first four choices of committees and positions of service for coming year. Some of these positions are short term and others are for the entire year. Each parent needs to be willing to assist in some capacity if your Cub Scout pack is to run effectively. Please fill out this page and turn it in tonight. LEADERSHELPERS  Tiger Cub Leader or Assistant  Blue & Gold Banquet  Den Leader or Assistant  Pinewood Derby  Pack Training Chair  Game Night  Pack Popcorn Assistant  Pack Photographer  Pack Activities Chair or Asst.  Lock-In  Lock-In Chair or Asst.  Graduation  Camp Chair Or Asst.  Camp  Bulletin Board  Call me when I’m needed  _______________________  ________________________  _______________________ Hobbies & Sport Interests:_____________________________________ Special Skills:_______________________________________________ Other Resources: ______________________________ Employer: ____________________ Title:________________________ Parent’s Name:_______________________________________________________ Phone:___________________ Scout’s Name:_____________________________ Grade:___________________ School: ___________________________________ Email address:_______________________________________________________ Please Return To Cubmaster or Committee Chair

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