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Four important design principles to improve your work

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1 Four important design principles to improve your work
Principles of Layout Four important design principles to improve your work

2 Four principles of layout
Contrast التباين Repetitionالتكرار Alignment الموائمة Proximity المقاربة Apply these principles to improve web pages, posters, slides, magazines, books, advertisements, packaging, business cards, labels …

3 Contrast التباين أو التضاد
Avoid making elements just similar, make them very different Contrast is an effective way to add visual interest to your work. To be effective it must be strong. Do not make things slightly different, make them really different.

4 Contrast التباين Contrast can be achieved by creating differences in:
Color — complimentary colors on the color wheel, i.e. red vs. green, blue vs. orange, yellow vs. violet الألوان Hue — saturated vs. muted colors الدرجة اللونية Movement — fast vs. slow الحركة Shape — organic vs. geometric shapes الشكل Size — large vs. small shapes الحجم (كبيرو صغير ) Space — positive vs. negative الفراغ Temperature — warm vs. cool الدرجة اللونية (حار وبارد ) Texture — rough vs. smooth الملمس (خشن وناعم ) Value — light vs. dark القيمة اللونية (غامق وفاتح ) Font – serif vs sans serif الخط

5 Contrast التباين Color — complimentary colors on the color wheel, i.e. red vs. green, blue vs. orange, yellow vs. violet High contrastتباين قوي Low contrastتباين ضعيف

6 Contrast using value – light vs dark التباين باستخدام القيمة اللونية (غامق وفاتح )

7 Contrast using value and font التباين باستخدام القيم اللونية والخطوط
Sans Serif Font Serif Font

8 Repetition التكرار Repetition simply means the reusing of the same or similar elements throughout your design. Repetition of certain design elements in a design will bring a clear sense of unity and consistency. Repetition of visual elements can bring together otherwise separate parts. Repeat some aspects of your design throughout the entire work – be consistent. This is useful on a single page document but critical on multi-page documents.

9 Repetition using color التكرار باستخدام اللون

10 Repetition using color and text التكرار باستخدام اللون والنص

11 Alignment الموائمة Every element on a page should be placed to have a visual connection with something else. Imagine invisible lines that connect objects. Common alignments are left, right and centered.

12 Alignmentالموائمة

13 Proximity التقارب Items that relate to each other should be grouped together. Items that are not connected should be clearly separated. This gives a viewer immediate visual clues to the organization of information.

14 Proximity التقارب Title and Subtitle are together
Other information is separated

15 Identify the layout principles used in these designs..

16 Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity

17 Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity

18 Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity

19 Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity

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