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Presentation on theme: "SESSION ONE: 2016-17 GRANT GUIDELINES WEBINAR/MEETING October 7, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 FY 2016-17 Grant Guidelines Webinar/Meeting  Welcome – Valerie Payne, WTCS Grants Coordinator  Agenda –  Newbie Training: New Grant Manager’s Training – 8:45 a.m. –9:45 a.m.  Session One – State Grants – 10:00 a.m. –11:30 a.m.  Session Two – Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins) Grants – 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.  Session Three – Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFL) Grants – 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 2

3 General Purpose Revenue Grants  Due by January 15, 2016 (except Apprentice-Related Instruction and WAT)  Apprentice-Related Instruction  Career Pathways  Core Industry  Developing Markets  Professional Development  Student Support  Workforce Advancement Training (WAT)  Work-Based Learning Grants to Tribal Colleges  Supporting Veterans’ Success 3

4 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Nancy Nakkoul 608-266-8669 E-mail: Pages 5-9 of State Grant Guidelines Apprentice-Related Instruction 4

5  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds for the development and maintenance of system-wide apprenticeship curricula and direct support for contractually-required apprentice-related instruction that cannot be provided through normal district budgeting processes. These projects enable the WTCS to respond to cyclical industry demands, with current occupational curriculum, to provide a supply of skilled workers for rapidly-developing industries, and ensure the continuity of apprenticeship training during periods of temporary labor demand shortages. 5

6 Apprentice-Related Instruction Changes from FY 2015-16:  Purpose  Clarified – Funds are for the development and maintenance of system-wide apprenticeship curricula and direct support for contractually-required apprentice-related instruction that cannot be provided through normal district budgeting processes.  Apprenticeship Direct Instruction Support (changed title for consistency of language in all related slides)  Systemwide Apprentice Curricula (added category)  Funds Available and Limitations – Clarified – $500,000 will be available for both Systemwide Apprenticeship Curricula and Direct Instruction Support purposes. 6

7 Apprentice-Related Instruction Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations – Systemwide Apprenticeship Curriculum  #1 – Clarified – Funds will be made available, on an invitation only basis, for this grant category.  #2 – Clarified – A limit of one application may be submitted from an invited WTCS District.  #3 – Clarified – Grant projects will be funded for one year.  #5 – Administrative costs may be funded up to 8% of the total approved projects costs.  #7 – Major/minor equipment (purchase or lease) is not allowed.  #9 – Clarified – Activities will reflect the priorities of the WTCS Office in consultation with the Systemwide Apprenticeship Curriculum Committee. 7

8 Apprentice-Related Instruction Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations – Direct Instruction Support  #1 – Clarified – Funds will be made available, on an invitation only basis, for this grant category.  #3 – Clarified – Grant projects will be funded for one year.  Removed #5 lengthy review process and meeting language.  Application Review  Clarified – Applications for both Systemwide Apprenticeship Curricula and Direct Instruction Support will be reviewed by the grant manager in consultation with the Apprenticeship Coordinators Council. 8

9 Apprentice-Related Instruction Changes from FY 2015-16:  Data Collection and Reports – Clarified 2. Triannual Report submissions must be received by the following dates: a. First term Triannual Report (July 1 – October 31) is not required for either Direct Instruction Support or Systemwide Apprenticeship Curricula grants. b. Second term Triannual Report (November 1 – February 29) must be received on or before March 15, 2017 and is required only for Direct Instruction Support grants. c. Third term Triannual Report (March 1 – June 30) must be received on or before November 1, 2017 and is required for both Direct Instruction Support and Systemwide Apprenticeship Curricula. 9

10 FY 2016-17 Grant Contacts: Mark Johnson 608-266-1272 E-mail: Ann Westrich 608-261-4588 E-mail: Pages 10-12 of State Grant Guidelines Career Pathways 10

11 Career Pathways  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds to create, expand and/or implement career pathways* – including providing instructional and supportive services for students in these pathways – to help students, who are engaged in a career pathway that is related to specific WTCS program(s) identified in the grant, achieve educational attainment and credentials which prepare for progression in a career. * Career Pathways offer an efficient and customer-centered approach to training and education by successfully articulating the appropriate secondary, adult basic education, postsecondary education and training, career, and academic advising, and supportive services to enter and progress in a career. This term generally refers to a series of connected education and training strategies and support services that enable individuals to secure stackable industry relevant credentials and obtain employment within an occupational area and to advance to higher levels of future education and employment in that area.  Pages 10-12 in Grant Guidelines  Changes from FY 2015-16 : Funds Available and Limitations  Added reference link to the Administration definition. 11

12 FY 2016-17 Grant Contacts: Jim Mackey 608-266-0790 E-mail: Katie Roberts 608-266-8887 E-mail: Pages 13-17 of State Grant Guidelines Core Industry 12

13 Core Industry  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds to help ensure that WTCS already approved programs, in core industry areas, provide industry relevant education and training using rigorous curricula, current technology, and related services in System Board approved programs. Grants may expand programming in core industry areas within the district. Priority may be given to grant projects that reflect inter-district collaboration between Wisconsin Technical Colleges or that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of educational programming. 13

14 Core Industry Changes from FY 2015-16:  Purpose  Clarified – WTCS already approved programs, in core industry areas, provide industry relevant education and training using rigorous curricula, current technology, and related services in System Board approved programs.  Funds Available and Limitations  #6 – Added two-year grant language: Grant projects will be funded for up to two years. Applications may be written for either a one-year or two-year grant. It is expected that the second year of the grant will build upon and further develop the first year activities. Continued funding of the second year is dependent upon the previous year’s performance with the understanding that colleges will have met or exceeded their first year planned outcomes. 14

15 Core Industry Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations  #10 – Grant funds may be used to purchase and/or upgrade technology required to provide instruction. Removed the exclusion of service arrangements and other fees.  #12 – Clarified – Facility costs are not allowed. This includes ongoing maintenance, building construction, rent, remodeling and other building expenses.  #13 – Added – This plan should be located in the Monitoring and Evaluation Process section of the application. 15

16 Core Industry Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations  #14 – Added – Funding is contingent on System Board approval of any new program that may be developed from existing programs in response to industry need.  #15 – Added – The application will pertain to one program and should have the program name identified on the application’s title. It is acceptable to utilize assets developed by the grant in other programs. 16

17 Core Industry Changes from FY 2015-16:  Allowable Activities  #6 – Added the activity title “Basic Skills or Development Instruction”.  Application Components  Section 13.A – Removed “If modifying curriculum…” language. Clarified instruction.  Clarified documented evidence (advisory committee, DACUM, industry focus group, survey, letters of support, etc.) showing industry support for the proposed grant application including program curriculum modification and/or equipment/technology purchase.  Section 14 (Item 14) – Removed 17

18 Core Industry Grants Follow-Up WisLine  October 23, 2015  10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255  Passcode: 9391988#  Contacts: Jim Mackey (608-266-0790) Katie Roberts (608-266-8887) 18

19 FY 2016-17 Grant Contacts: Tim Weir 608-266-0995 E-mail: Jeff Minter 608-266-1599 E-mail: Pages 18-21 of State Grant Guidelines Developing Markets 19

20 Developing Markets  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds to help ensure that WTCS already approved programs, in core industry areas, provide industry relevant education and training using rigorous curricula, current technology, and related services in System Board approved programs. Grants may expand programming in core industry areas within the district. Priority may be given to grant projects that reflect inter-district collaboration between Wisconsin Technical Colleges or that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of educational programming. 20

21 Developing Markets Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations  #3 – Removed match requirements  #6 – Removed option for third year grants  #6 – Added option for two-year grants Grants may be written for one year or two years Second year of grant must build upon first year activities Funding of second year dependent on first year performance 21

22 Developing Markets Grant Follow-Up WisLine  October 28, 2015  10:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.  Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255  Passcode: 8721485#  Contacts: Tim Weir (608-266-0995) Jeff Minter (608-266-1599) 22

23 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Taylor Weichman 608-266-8061 E-mail: Pages 22-24 of GPR Grant Guidelines Professional Development 23

24 Professional Development  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds to support professional development activities in the Wisconsin Technical College System. 24

25 Professional Development Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations –  #2 – Removed grant allocations are made on an annual basis language  #5 – Clarified – A limit of one application per district may be submitted.  #9 – Grants will not be awarded to fund more than 50% of a position. The position funded must directly support professional development activities. Clarified only one (1) position per district will be funded.  #11 – Clarified – Approval to travel must comply with district travel policy. Travel costs may be funded up to 30% of the total approved project cost. Travel must be related to professional development. No funds will be awarded for international travel. Travel includes registration fees, accommodations, mileage, per diem meals and travel tickets. 25

26 Professional Development Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations –  #12 – Clarified – Consumable supplies may be funded up to 10% of the total allocated amount. Food and refreshments are not allowable consumable supplies.  #13 – Clarified – Stipends may be funded up to 50% of the total allocated amount. Stipends should be listed under “No. 2 Salary/Fringe” on the grant budget. “Stipend” means mentor fees, internships, honoraria, contract fees for presenters and/or facilitators and fellowships.  #14 – Clarified – “Other” costs cannot exceed 10% of the total allocated amount and must be specifically described within the grant. Anything under “other” must not fit into one of the other categories available. 26

27 Professional Development Grant Follow-Up WisLine  October 21, 2015  10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  Toll Free: 1-888-291-0079  Passcode: 5777728#  Contact: Taylor Weichman (608-266-8061) 27

28 FY 2016-17 Grant Contacts: Karen Showers 608-267-9458 E-mail: Education Director To Be Named Pages 25-27 of State Grant Guidelines Student Support 28

29 Student Support  Purpose The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds to create, expand and/or implement innovative methods that provide direct services to students enrolled in post-secondary courses and ABE/ELL as defined in Administrative Bulletin 12-04, and programs for services that transition students through career pathways. Funds can be used to support students with a focus on diversity services and projects that including those unique to college districts including, but not limited to veterans, dislocated workers, and online course takers. The goal is to support students through specific completion points - course completion, completion of subsequent semesters and completion of programs or Wisconsin Technical College System Pathway Certificates. 29

30 Student Support Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations  #12 – Added – Costs related to special events such as speakers, refreshments or promotional materials, tee shirts and other related costs are not allowed.  Correction: Data Collection and Reports  #2 – Quarterly data submission dates should be: October 15, 2016; January 15, 2017; April 15, 2017; and July 15, 2017. 30

31 Student Support Grant Follow-Up WisLine  October 19, 2015  2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.  Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255  Passcode: 8137143#  Contacts: Karen Showers (608-267-9458) Tom Heffron (608-266-3738) 31

32 FY 2016-17 Grant Contact: Scott DuBenske 608-266-0025 E-mail: Pages 28-36 of State Grant Guidelines Workforce Advancement Training 32

33 Workforce Advancement Training  Purpose The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds to promote increased investment in the development of incumbent workers, improve Wisconsin businesses’ productivity and competitiveness, augment the state’s economic base, support career pathways and expand technical college training and technical assistance services to businesses and industry. Grants will be awarded to upgrade the skills and productivity of employees of established businesses operating in Wisconsin, with the additional objective of supporting regional workforce and economic development efforts. Training under these grants must focus on occupational skills but can include a combination of occupational, academic, and employability topics or courses. Grants will also be awarded for market expansion or business diversification services to established Wisconsin businesses. 33

34 Workforce Advancement Training Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations  #5 – Projects may be funded up to 100% of the total approved project costs.  #6 – Initial applications will have a May 2, 2016 due date; proposals will be accepted and reviewed on a continual basis until the funding is expended.  #11 – Clarified – Purchase or lease of instructional materials, software or equipment may be funded up to 25% of the total allowable project cost. Instructional material costs for nationally portable, industry skills certifications are allowed and not subject to the 25% limitation. 34

35 Workforce Advancement Training Changes from FY 2015-16:  Funds Available and Limitations  #12 – Clarified – Supply items may be funded up to 25% of the total allowable project costs.  #15 – Clarified – The district must submit a written assurance stipulating to this condition, subcontracting expenses may be funded up to 25% of the total allowable project costs, except that subcontracts with other technical colleges are not subject to this requirement and limitation.  Application Review  Clarified – Applications for Workforce Advancement Training Grants will be reviewed by a committee. 35

36 Workforce Advancement Training Changes from FY 2015-16:  Data Collection and Reports  Applicants must use the current WAT Grant application form and may use the Alternate Budget Narrative.  Submit Applications and Reports electronically to  WATG Forms are located at: training-(wat)/forms. 36

37 Workforce Advancement Training Changes from FY 2015-16:  Application for Workforce Advancement Training Grants  Updated application form to reference “State” versus “GPR” grants  WATG Alternative Budget Narrative – WAT Grant Reimbursable at 100% 37

38 FY 2015-16 Grant Contact: Alejandro Nuñez 608-261-4593 E-mail: Pages 37-38 of State Grant Guidelines Work-Based Training for Tribal Colleges 38

39 Work-Based Training for Tribal Colleges  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board awards funds for Work-Based Learning Grants to Tribal Colleges to provide occupational training and work-based learning experience to youth and adults at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College and the College of Menominee Nation. 39

40 FY 2016-17 Grant Contacts: Karen Showers 608-267-9458 E-mail: New Education Director - TBD Pages 39-42 of State Grant Guidelines Supporting Veterans’ Success 40

41 Supporting Veterans’ Success  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board is awarding one- time funds to create, expand and/or implement innovative methods that provide direct and collaborative student support programs or services to Veteran students. The purpose of this grant is to provided targeted student support services to recruit, enroll, retain and graduate student veterans in high demand fields as identified by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. 41

42 Supporting Veterans’ Success Changes from FY 2015-16:  New Grant Category  One-Time Funding  Purpose  The Wisconsin Technical College System Board is awarding one- time funds to create, expand and/or implement innovative methods that provide direct and collaborative student support programs or services to Veteran students. The purpose of this grant is to provided targeted student support services to recruit, enroll, retain and graduate student veterans in high demand fields as identified by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. 42

43 Supporting Veterans’ Success  Funds Available and Limitations  $500,000 will be made available to fund Supporting Veterans’ Success grants.  No Supporting Veterans’ Success funds will be awarded for the following activities: general outreach and recruitment activities, general assessment tools or services, including GED, financial aid services, instruction including remedial, adult basic education, ELL, occupational and GED, curriculum development, and staff certification and program evaluation costs. Payment of student tuition, fees, supplies, books and materials is not allowable. Activities funded may not generate FTEs. 43

44 Supporting Veterans’ Success  Allowable Activities  Select activities, including the list of 11 allowable activities in the grant guidelines, and describe in measurable terms.  Application Components  Guidance provided for Section 13.A, Section 13.C, and Section 16  Application Review  Data Collection and Reports  Client Reporting applies  Triannual Report submissions  Final Report – Additional District Report due August 1, 2017 44

45 Supporting Veterans’ Success Follow-Up WisLine  October 19, 2015  2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.  Toll Free: 1-855-947-8255  Passcode: 8137143#  Contacts: Karen Showers (608-267-9458) Tom Heffron (608-266-3738) 45

46 Questions/Resources  Questions?  Resources:  MyWTCS Website  WTCS State Grant Contacts coordinators  Application Forms  Grant Resources Page FY 2016-17 Grant Guidelines Change Summary Documents FY 2016-17 Q&A/Webinar Documents Grant Audio Links 46

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