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Virtual Environments as Language Learning Platform : The LINGO/CALLMOO-Project Carsten Jopp Dep. humanistic informatics University of Bergen.

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Environments as Language Learning Platform : The LINGO/CALLMOO-Project Carsten Jopp Dep. humanistic informatics University of Bergen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Environments as Language Learning Platform : The LINGO/CALLMOO-Project Carsten Jopp Dep. humanistic informatics University of Bergen

2 Outline: WHAT? idea, starting point, concept development WHY? pedagogical concept HOW? technological solution


4 1. WHAT? - starting point / concept create an environment that can host a variety of (language) learning activities for different groups of learners / students open, but controlled access

5 2. WHAT? - Development created Dreistadt a simulated city,”virtual reality” environment represents an authentic and dynamic part of the target cultur communication, interaction, construction identity

6 3. WHY? existing paradigm: focus on receptive modes of learning stimulate productive sides The metaphor of the LANGUAGE TRAVELLER

7 4. HOW? text-based system: MOO advanced Web-interface = ”state-of-the-art”-courseware + VR-characteristics retained focus on synchronous communication focus on text production

8 5. EXEMPLIFICATION German ”grunnfag”, distance learning course backbone: synchronous online- seminar-hours

9 5. EXEMPLIFICATION (tentative) results: significantly lower drop-out rate higher activity level higher motivation better exam results

10 6. PERSPECTIVES use in national cooperation courses (German, French) Develop ”portal” functionality ==> central digital resource within its field

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