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Conjunctions and Interjections Coordinating, Correlative, Subordinating.

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1 Conjunctions and Interjections Coordinating, Correlative, Subordinating

2 Conjunction Junction… 0

3 Conjunctions 0 Connect words or groups of words

4 Coordinating Conjunctions 0 Connect words of the same kind (so like 2 nouns or 2 verbs) 0 Can also connect larger groups of words (like prepositional phrases or entire sentences) 0 There are 7: 0 ForAndNorButOrYetSo (FANBOYS)

5 Coordinating Conjunctions Cont. 0 Connecting Nouns: My cousin and his wife left yesterday for a trip to Washington D.C. 0 Connecting Verbs: They printed out directions but forgot to bring them. 0 Connecting Prepositional Phrases: Put the luggage on the doorstep or in the garage. 0 Connecting Sentences: Our family wanted to go to the White House, but we decided to go to the Capital first.

6 Practice: 1. Are you going to visit Mount Rushmore or the Black Hills? 2. At Mount Rushmore, the faces of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt are carved out of a mountain. 3. Gutzon Borglum and his workers carved the monument. 4. Visitors hike near the monument but cannot climb on it. 5. The mountain is rugged, yet the carved faces look smooth.

7 Correlative Conjunctions 0 Connect the same things coordinating conjunctions do, but they do so in pairs. 0 There are 5 pairs: 0 Both…andneither…norwhether…or either…ornot only…but also

8 Correlative Conjunctions Cont. 0 Connecting Nouns: We have seen both the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon Dam. 0 Connecting Pronouns: Either you or I will be the leader on the trail. 0 Connecting Verbs: The sick hiker would neither eat nor drink. 0 Connecting Prepositional Phrases: We hiked slowly, whether in a large group or by ourselves. 0 Connecting Sentences: Not only are the Sierra Mountains rugged, but they are also beautiful.

9 Practice, Practice: 1. Pearl Harbor is both majestic and awe inspiring. 2. Visitors can see either the Peral Harbor monument or the memorial to the USS Arizona, a ship that was partly sunk. 3. The Japanese air attack shocked the United States not only because it was a surprise attack but also because it was the first attack on American soil. 4. Before the attack, the United States had been uncertain about whether to join the war or to let European countries fight by themselves. 5. Neither the Japanese nor the Germans believed the United States would recover from the attack.

10 Subordinating Conjunctions 0 Connect two ideas by making one dependent on the other. Frequently Used Subordinating Conjunctions: AfterAs thoughSinceUntil althoughbecauseSo thatwhen asbeforethanwhenever As ifEven thoughthoughwhere As long asiftillwherever As soon asIn order thatunlesswhile

11 Subordinating Conjunctions Cont. 0 They always come before the dependent idea, connecting it to the main idea. 0 EX: I did the planning after he made reservations. 0 When he phoned this morning, he was unable to reach the senator.

12 Practice, Practice, Practice: 1. Although George Washington was much admired, the government would not finance a memorial honoring him. 2. When no action was taken, a group of citizens formed the Washington National Monument Society in 1833. 3. The monument was not dedicated until 1885 even though it had been started almost fifty years earlier. 4. The monument includes two different colors of bricks since there was a shortage of the original brick. 5. Because the base is a 55-foot square, the monument is ten times taller than it is wide.


14 Interjections 0 Express feeling or emotion and functions separately from the rest of the sentence by a comma or an exclamation point. 0 Joy: Wow! I can’t believe the size of this statue. 0 Surprise: Oh, I didn’t expect to hear from you. 0 Pain: Ouch! That hurts. 0 Impatience: Tsk! How long do they expect me to wait? 0 Hesitation: I, uh, think we should leave now.

15 Practice Makes Perfect! 1. (surprise) The Alamo is neat. 2. (impatience) Can we go inside now? 3. (impatience) How long do we have to wait for the tour to begin? 4. (fear) I heard the Alamo was haunted. 5. I (uncertainty) think maybe we should leave.

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