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Computer Science Project Lost? Coordinator: Kristen Davis Designer: Danielle Jones Programmer: Miguel Rivera.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science Project Lost? Coordinator: Kristen Davis Designer: Danielle Jones Programmer: Miguel Rivera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science Project Lost? Coordinator: Kristen Davis Designer: Danielle Jones Programmer: Miguel Rivera

2 Brainstorming Work Schedule: This application would help one keep track of his or her work schedule. Work Schedule: This application would help one keep track of his or her work schedule. GPS: This application would help one get directions to where ever he or she needed to go. Step-by-Step: This application would count the steps one took in a day to help one stay in shape.

3 Description This application gives one directions from the location he or she is at to his or her destination. All that is needed is the name of the destination along with the city and state. This application gives one directions from the location he or she is at to his or her destination. All that is needed is the name of the destination along with the city and state.

4 10 Heuristics 1. Visibility of system status 2. Match between system and the real world 3. User control and freedom 4. Consistency and standards 5. Error prevention 6. Recognition vs. recall 7. Flexibility and efficiency of use 8. Aesthetic and minimalist design 9. Error recovery 10. Help and documentation




8 Flow Chart Flow Chart 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Results: SelectBackDoneBack 1. 2. 3. 4. Your Directions To: Lost? Address/Place City/State Search/FindExit Destination Lost? Address/Place City/State Search/FindExit Destination Lost? Address/Place City/State Search/FindExit Destination Sorry!!! Directions not found.

9 What to do The first screen allows one type in their destination (address/place, city, state) and from there one can press “Exit” or “Search/Find”. The “Exit” button will exit the application and if the “Search/Find” is chosen a sand timer will pop up to show that it is searching. If the directions are not found then “Sorry Directions Not Found” will pop up and one will be allowed to edit, but if the directions are found then the next screen will give the results of the address/place and a list of its location(s) in the city and state named. One can scroll down and choose a location; once a location is chosen then one can chose “select” or “back”. The “back” button will take one back to the destination screen, and the “select” button will take one to the next screen. The next step is the directions, it will tell one how to get to where they are going. On this screen one can chose “done” or “back”; the “back” button takes one to the previous screen, and the “done” button ends the application. The first screen allows one type in their destination (address/place, city, state) and from there one can press “Exit” or “Search/Find”. The “Exit” button will exit the application and if the “Search/Find” is chosen a sand timer will pop up to show that it is searching. If the directions are not found then “Sorry Directions Not Found” will pop up and one will be allowed to edit, but if the directions are found then the next screen will give the results of the address/place and a list of its location(s) in the city and state named. One can scroll down and choose a location; once a location is chosen then one can chose “select” or “back”. The “back” button will take one back to the destination screen, and the “select” button will take one to the next screen. The next step is the directions, it will tell one how to get to where they are going. On this screen one can chose “done” or “back”; the “back” button takes one to the previous screen, and the “done” button ends the application.

10 Java Coding Compiling Compiling Compiling is the process of making sure that all your java programs are written according to the correct Java syntax. In order to compile programs, you must follow the following instructions.

11 Java Coding Step 1: Locate the terminal window. If this is not on your tool bar (a black terminal icon), you can find them under Mac HD ‡ Applications (or it may be in the Utilities folder). Once you find the program, drag the icon to your toolbar so it will always available to you. Next time you login, you should see this icon. Click and open the terminal window.

12 Java Coding Step 2: Type the following. The notes after the symbol % are comments. Do not type them. Note that I am using “My Demo Program” for folder name. But this will depend on what file you downloaded. Use that name instead.

13 Java Coding cd desktop % this will change your working directory to desktop ls % this will display all the files and folders under your desktop. You should see “My Demo Program” (or whatever the name might be) folder there. cd “My Demo Program” % this will change the directory to your program folder javac % where FILENAME is the name of the file in the directory ending % This compiles all Java files in your folder

14 Java Coding Modifying the Program If you have to change any programs, just click on the file to open it, make the changes and save. Then you must recompile to make sure the program is syntactically correct.

15 Java Coding Running the Program Running the Program Running is the process of executing the program to get the output. Even if there are no syntax errors, it may not produce the correct output. In that case, modify the files, save and recompile before doing this. To run a program, do the following. java FILENAME in your folder and the main is part of that class called FILENAME.

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