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FOLLOW UP WORK PLAN FOR DECENT WORK IN METAL & IT INDUSTRY; Prepared by: Abdul Khader G. INTUC, India & Onkar Nath Pandey – INTUC & IMF, India. Work Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "FOLLOW UP WORK PLAN FOR DECENT WORK IN METAL & IT INDUSTRY; Prepared by: Abdul Khader G. INTUC, India & Onkar Nath Pandey – INTUC & IMF, India. Work Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOLLOW UP WORK PLAN FOR DECENT WORK IN METAL & IT INDUSTRY; Prepared by: Abdul Khader G. INTUC, India & Onkar Nath Pandey – INTUC & IMF, India. Work Plan is prepared for Metal Industries – Onkar Nath Pandey & Work Plan is prepared for IT Industries – Abdul Khader G. Title: a)To organize the unorganized workers of Metal Industries in the state of Jharkhand for Decent Work. b)To form a union in I.T Sector in the state of Andhra Pradesh for Decent Work. Time Frame: a) 2 years (2011 to 2013) b) 1 year (2011 to 2012)

2 3) Background: a)Already, started to form unions by organizing the unorganized workers. Till date 6 unions have been formed with 800 memberships. Subsequently, we want to cover the uncover areas and about 20 unions can be formed. We want to organize these working class people because they are not receiving minimum wages and not getting Statutory benefits prescribed by law. And also by organizing them our union will be strengthen.

3 b) There is no significant union in the IT Sector through out the county and more over they are facing lot of hardship with regard to service conditions particularly 8 hours duty, leaves & holidays. And also they are facing heavy stress and strain during the course of employment. Target group a)Workers of Metal/Mines/Steel/Secondary Steel. 3000 members in 2 years. b)Employees of IT Sector of with 1000 members in 1 year.

4 B) PARTIES INVOLVED a) (i) International Metal Workers Federation South-Asia Pacific. (ii) State INTUC (iii) Ministry of Labour & Labour Department b) (i) State INTUC (ii) Ministry of Labour & Labour Department 5. OBJECTIVES a) To cover the area of Jharkhand where informal workers of Metal Industries are working and to become biggest union in informal sector in the state of Jharkhand. b) To establish first union in Hyderabad in IT sector in India.

5 6) ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES A)(i)To conduct the gate wise meeting/Area wise meeting/District wise meeting/State wise meeting. (ii)Through this meeting, identified the persons and provide them trade union program. (iii)Followed by OSH Programmes & labour Law too. (iv)Approaching the Management for Recognation. v)Approaching the Labour Department for Registration. vi)Time to time demostration will be conducted for getting the statutory Benefits.

6 B)i)Identifying the persons by conducting survey abou the implementation of labour law. ii)Conducting a trade union training camp for 100 Indentified persons. iii)Conducting a seminar of IT Employees in Labour Law. OUTPUT A)After the 2 years, the membership of unorganized Metal workers should be 3000. Among 3000 male – 2500 & female – 500. B)By the end of one year, the IT union has registered in the state of Andhra Pradesh with one thousand membership. Among 1000 male - 700 & female – 300.

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