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 Your learning objective for this process  Schedule a Student Led Conference with a parent or guardian Share portfolio of your work in each subject.

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Presentation on theme: " Your learning objective for this process  Schedule a Student Led Conference with a parent or guardian Share portfolio of your work in each subject."— Presentation transcript:


2  Your learning objective for this process  Schedule a Student Led Conference with a parent or guardian Share portfolio of your work in each subject area  Share strengths, challenge areas and goals  Success Criteria:  Schedule an appointment for a student led conference  Prepare your materials for student led conferences.

3  You will create a portfolio that explains your progress in your classes  You WILL NEED your laptop to share this with your parents  BRING YOUR LAPTOP to your conference

4 Student Name

5  Number of days absent so far this year:  Number of times tardy so far this year:  What are your attendance/on time goals?


7  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

8  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

9  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


11  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

12  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

13  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


15  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

16  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

17  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


19  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

20  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

21  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


23  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

24  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

25  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned


27  Things I do well  Things I could do differently

28  During instruction 54321  During independent work time 54321  During group work time 54321  Assignment completion 54321  Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals

29  Describe best work here  Reflection  Why you chose it  What you did well  What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project  What you learned

30  After looking at my grades, I feel…  I am proud of…  I will change...  I would like my teachers to know…  I will keep doing...

31  "My high school education is preparing me for my first career as _______, earning _______, which requires _________ after graduating from high school."

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