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Quantifying Fisher Behavior Under Restrictions Hans van Oostenbrugge, Jeff Powell and Jos Smit.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantifying Fisher Behavior Under Restrictions Hans van Oostenbrugge, Jeff Powell and Jos Smit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantifying Fisher Behavior Under Restrictions Hans van Oostenbrugge, Jeff Powell and Jos Smit

2 Introduction Indirectly Incorporate Fisher Behavior Nonlinear catch - input relationship Accepted theory in economics (decreasing returns to inputs) Seldom implemented in models of fishery management EU fishery management: TAC ----> Effort regulation Single species -----> Multi species Integration of economic activities into models

3 Fisher behaviour under TAC limitation F Effort

4 Fisher behavior under effort limitation F

5 Relationship Effort - F

6 Effort limit TAC limit

7 Objective of the study A simple and practical algorithm for short-run, Catch-Effort relationship Behavior based on economic motivation Appropriate for full feedback biological models Based on variation in results by vessel and by trip Applicable for other EU fleet segments

8 Fisher behaviour under effort limitation Fishers optimize Revenue / Effort by means of re-allocation of effort Spatial, where trips are taken Timing of trips Transfer between vessels Work through Q Nonlinear short-run relationship Effort and F Qt=q0*(Et/E0)^c

9 Data and methodology NL flatfish fishery Mixed fishery – 2 main target species (plaice/sole)‏ 1 gear (large BTs), 1 fishing ground Transferability of effort between vessels Data Landings(value) by vessel by trip by rectangle 2001 - 2006 Cross sectional analysis ANOVA Estimating exponential relationship E and F

10 Results: fishing patterns Cumulative effortCumulative value landings

11 Modeling effects on forecasts IMARES- model Full feedback model Developed for evaluation flatfish management plan Dutch flatfish fishery (Plus UK and “other”)‏ 2 species Sensitivity analysis to non-linearity in relationship f and F

12 Simulating effects: catchability +20%

13 Simulating effects: landings +3% +1%

14 Simulating effects: economics +1% +3%

15 Simulating effects: biology -20% -13%

16 Discussion Limitations of the approach Applies to effort reduction scenarios Short run – no investments Applicability to other fisheries: Theoretically to all management systems: fishermen: optimize Revenue / limiting input In practice only in specific fleet segments: flexible transfer of fishing rights logbook data available

17 Conclusions Nonlinearity in the relationship effort F is important Especially in transition from TAC to effort management Integration biological and economic models is essential for proper management

18 Future work Models for other types of management Further simplification: Can non-linear relationship between E and F be derived from variance of trip results?

19 Questions © Wageningen UR

20 R code to calculate effort beta. load("C:\\Documents and Settings\\J Powell\\Bureaublad\\EFIMAS.RData") ‏ ###Main idea: Sort Revenues per Unit Effort, Rank trips in decreasing order of value ###Order of trips will impact distribution of catch dat <- list(); dat <- visYears[[6]]; length(dat[[1]]); names(dat) ‏ ranker <- dat$Total.Value.of.all.Species/dat$Effort df1 <- data.frame(TR = dat$Total.Value.of.all.Species, Plaice.Catch = dat$Plaice.Catch, Sole.Catch = dat$Sole.Catch, Effort = dat$Effort, ranker) ‏ ordDf1 <- df1[order(ranker, decreasing = TRUE), ] ordDf1[1:20,] ###Plot Data Effort <- cumsum(ordDf1$Effort) ‏ Catch.Plaice <- cumsum(ordDf1$Plaice.Catch) ‏ Catch.Sole <- cumsum(ordDf1$Sole.Catch) ‏ library(lattice) ‏ xyplot(Catch.Plaice ~ Effort, type = "l", col = "green") ‏ xyplot(Catch.Sole ~ Effort, type = "l", col = "red") ‏

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