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1 ANAT 5 Lecture Topic: TISSUES Reading: Chapter 5.

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1 1 ANAT 5 Lecture Topic: TISSUES Reading: Chapter 5

2 2 TISSUES Tissue = group of cells working together for a common function 4 tissue types:1. Epithelial 2. Connective 3. Muscle 4. Nervous **Learn characteristics & main functions**

3 3 Histology Hist = greek for “tissue”

4 4 1) EPITHELIAL TISSUE a) Characteristics -free surface -densely packed cells -avascular (no blood vessels) -highly regenerative b) Functions - barrier/protection

5 5 c) Classification of epithelial tissues 1) Cell shape (at the free surface) 2) Cell layers/arrangement

6 6 c)Classification of epithelial tissues 1) Cell shape (at free surface) a) squamous - flat cells b) cuboidal - cube shaped c) columnar - column shaped Reminders: -histology = thin section of a 3D object -there are MANY tissues on each slide

7 7 c) Classification of epithelial tissues 2) Cell layers/arrangement a) simple - a single layer b) stratified - multiple layers

8 8 c) Classification of epithelial tissues 2) Cell layers/arrangement a) simple - a single layer b) stratified - multiple layers

9 9 Name this epithelial tissue: Cell arrangement/layers…….Shape of cells at surface

10 10 Name this epithelial tissue: Cell arrangement/layers…….Shape of cells at surface

11 11 Name this epithelial tissue: Cell arrangement/layers…….Shape of cells at surface

12 12 Name this epithelial tissue: Cell arrangement/layers…….Shape of cells at surface

13 13 Name this epithelial tissue: Cell arrangement/layers…….Shape of cells at surface

14 14 Special Types of Epithelia: Transitional: -only in urinary tract Pseudostratified Columnar: -respiratory tract -look for cilia

15 15 2) CONNECTIVE TISSUES a)Characteristics - cells widely spaced - matrix between cells MATRIX =fibers + ground substance FIBERS =collagen (thick, strong & flexible) elastic (thin & very stretchy) GROUND SUBSTANCE = fluid, solid, or semi-solid material - blood vessels are common

16 16 2) CONNECTIVE TISSUES b)Functions 1.You should be able to think of MANY! - -

17 17 c)Classification of connective tissues (7 types) 1) Adipose Tissue Functions: -

18 18 Adipose Tissue

19 19 c)Classification of connective tissues (con’t) 2) Areolar (loose) -lots of elastin (stretchy) & collagen (strong) -fibroblast cells (cells that make fibers) - “Blast” = to make

20 20 c)Classification of connective tissues (con’t) 3) Dense Regular C.T. (white fibrous) -very strong collagen fibers -poor blood supply - -tendons (muscle/bone) -ligaments (bone/bone)

21 21 Dense Regular Connective Tissue –Found in: Tendons Ligaments

22 22 c)Classification of connective tissues (con’t) 4) Dense Irregular C.T. (skip reticular c.t.) -wavy collagen fibers -dermis layer of skin

23 23 c)Classification of connective tissues (con’t) 5)Cartilage (3 types) a) hyaline cartilage: most common, costal cartilage -found in ends of bones, soft spot, end of nose -looks like white glass b) elastic cartilage: lots of elastin, in ear & epiglottis -provides framework for external ear -more flexible than hyaline

24 Cartilage continued c) fibrocartilage-lots of collagen, found in Intervertebral discs -shock absorbers for structures w/ pressure -also cushions bones in knees & pelvic girdle ALL HAVE CHONDROCYTES W/IN A LACUNAE

25 25 Cartilage

26 26 c)Classification of connective tissues (con’t) 6)Bone- most rigid connective tissue - has osteocytes (cells) in lacunae “osteo” = bone

27 Bone con’t -protects the brain, heart & lungs -supports the body -provides attachment for muscles -contains mineral salts for hardness -stores and releases inorganic calcium and phosphorous -red bone marrow produces red blood cells

28 28 c)Classification of connective tissues (con’t) 7)Blood - red & white blood cells in plasma - plasma = matrix -functions to transport gases, waste, nutrients & hormones - helps maintain a stable internal environment

29 29 3) MUSCLE TISSUE a) Key Characteristic – can contract b)Functions - movement c) Classification (3 types): 1) skeletal - attached to the skeleton 2) smooth - in viscera & blood vessels 3) cardiac - in heart

30 30 Skeletal SmoothCardiac Types of Muscle Tissue

31 31 4) NERVOUS TISSUE a) Key Characteristic - conducts electrical impulses b) Function - controls body

32 32 GLANDS 1)Introduction - tissues that secrete fluid or products 2)Types of glands a) Endocrine - NO ducts - secrete _____________ into __________ Thyroxine

33 33 GLANDS 2)Types of glands b) Exocrine- have ducts to exterior/interior surface - Examples: 1) sebacious - secrete oil for skin 2) sweat glands 3) mammary 4) salivary

34 34 MEMBRANES 1) Introduction - combination of two + tissues - cover a body surface - made of epithelial & C.T.

35 35 2) Types of membranes: a) mucous - line body cavities that open to outside - respiratory, digestive, reproductive… - produce _______________ b) serous - line body cavities that do NOT open to outside - dorsal and ventral cavities - produce a thin serous fluid c) synovial - line joint cavities - produce _____________ fluid d) cutaneous –

36 36 TUMORS 1) Introduction - abnormal accumulation of tissue 2) Types a) benign b) malignant - cancerous

37 37 End of Tissues

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