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A geographers tools include: 1.Maps 2.Globes 3.Data Functions: show locations of places, landforms, and bodies of water, and where they are in relation.

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Presentation on theme: "A geographers tools include: 1.Maps 2.Globes 3.Data Functions: show locations of places, landforms, and bodies of water, and where they are in relation."— Presentation transcript:

1 A geographers tools include: 1.Maps 2.Globes 3.Data Functions: show locations of places, landforms, and bodies of water, and where they are in relation to other parts of the earth

2 Globe vs Map Globe 3-D View of the Earth as it travels through space Can only see ½ at time Not always practical b/c not portable Map 2-D Easily portable Can be drawn to any scale Distortions b/c the earth’s surface is flattened Map Projections are ways to draw the map that reduces the distortions


4 What is a map projection? A way of showing the rounded earth on a flat piece of paper.

5 Map Projections Maps can show four things: direction, distance, size, and shape Maps cannot show all four with accuracy at the same time, but globes can.

6 Planar Projection Earth is projected onto a plane that touches the globe at a single point. Most accurate at its center. Often used for maps focusing on one of the Poles. Good: direction, distance Distorts size, and shape

7 Conic Projection Earth projected onto cone. Results in “smile- shaped” map. Good for portraying the United States. Good: shape, size

8 Cylindrical (Compromise) Projection Earth projected onto cylinder. Most accurate near the equator. Greatly distorted at the poles. Example: Mercator Projection, Robinson, homolosine

9 Large areas cannot be shown w/o distortion





14 Key Points No map can show distance, shape, size and direction at the same time Do not make judgments about size, shape, distance, or direction that bases only on maps

15 Characteristics of a map Title Date Legend Scale Direction

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