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Cancer By Janvi. Cancer is a scary word. Almost everyone knows someone who got very sick or died from cancer. Most of the time, cancer affects older people.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer By Janvi. Cancer is a scary word. Almost everyone knows someone who got very sick or died from cancer. Most of the time, cancer affects older people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer By Janvi

2 Cancer is a scary word. Almost everyone knows someone who got very sick or died from cancer. Most of the time, cancer affects older people. Not many kids get cancer, but when they do, very often it can be treated and cured.

3 What is Cancer? There are billions of cells in each person's body. It is actually a disease which is formed when the normal body cells stop responding and working in generating new cells by Mitosis, is called Cancer.

4 A Tumour looks something like this… Cancer cells spreading….

5 How many types of Cancer are their? Some of the popular Cancers are :  Breast Cancer  Bladder Cancer  Skin Cancer  Brain Cancer  Leukemia Cancer

6 Causes of Cancer These are some of the things that causes Cancer : TobaccoAlcoholOverweight Lack of vegetables and fruits Sun bed and Sun burn


8 To Prevent Cause of Cancer?????? DO NOT smoke tobacco. DO NOT drink alcohol. DO NOT become overweight. DO eat plenty of fruits and vegetables DO NOT get sunburn, DO NOT use sun bed.

9 How do Cancer effects in our daily life routine? You : 1.Feel Tired while working. 2.Can’t breathe sometimes while doing something. 3.Can’t do many outdoor activities.

10 Feeling Tired Cant breathe properly Cant do outdoor activity

11 How science help us in Cancer? Science can help us in many ways : i.Surgery = By taking the tumour out. ii.Radiation = The body is exposed by radiation. iii.Chemotherapy = The body is exposed by chemicals.

12 SurgeryRadiation Chemotherapy

13 How can Science cause cancer to People? Science causes cancer by:  Radioactivity from Nuclear power stations  Using mobile most of the time

14 Bibliography


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