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Creating & Maintaining a Positive/Effective School Environment By Jacinta M. Kitt 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating & Maintaining a Positive/Effective School Environment By Jacinta M. Kitt 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating & Maintaining a Positive/Effective School Environment By Jacinta M. Kitt 1

2 Positive/Effective School Environment Definition A work environment that provides the highest quality of educational service in an atmosphere of respect, collegiality, openness & equality 2

3 Collegiality Prosocial Behaviour Organisational Citizenship Conflict Resolution 3

4 Characteristics of a Positive/Effective School Environment A positive & supportive atmosphere Assertive communication Appropriate inter-personal behaviour Collaboration & team work (minimal internal competition) Warm friendly climate Appropriate manager behaviour Open discussion & resolution of conflict 4

5 Characteristics of a Positive/Effective School Environment Recognition, feedback and praise Professionalism (roles and boundaries) Respectful & fair treatment of all staff No cliques Effective procedures for dealing with problems Laughter and fun! 5

6 Emotional & Social Intelligence Fine-tuned and insightful Self- awareness and Self-management Positive and productive relations and interaction with others 6

7 Stress and Interpersonal Relationships Toxic relationships are considered to be as major a risk factor for disease & death as smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure or cholesterol 7

8 Social Stressors at Work Workplace bullying or harassment Poor management practices Negative behaviours by colleagues 8

9 The effects of inappropriate communication... Recent research in human physiology has found that even a five minute episode of thinking about an angry experience we have had can suppress the immune system for as much as 6 hours 9

10 Interpersonal Behaviour A Performance issue not an optional extra Impacts on health, well-being, quality of work, and profit Best low cost focus for high quality improvements Essential for a psychologically safe environment 10

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