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MOSES’ QUESTIONS Twice seeing a vision of the “world and the ends thereof” including all “the inhabitants thereof,” Moses asks God two questions about.

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Presentation on theme: "MOSES’ QUESTIONS Twice seeing a vision of the “world and the ends thereof” including all “the inhabitants thereof,” Moses asks God two questions about."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOSES’ QUESTIONS Twice seeing a vision of the “world and the ends thereof” including all “the inhabitants thereof,” Moses asks God two questions about what he was shown.

2 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added)

3 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added)

4 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added)

5 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added) Question One:

6 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added) Question One: What is the purpose of earth life?

7 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added) Question One: What is the purpose of earth life? Question Two:

8 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added) Question One: What is the purpose of earth life? Question Two: What agent did you use to make this earth?

9 MOSES’S TWO QUESTIONS “And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, [1] why these things are so, and [2] by what thou madest them? (Moses 1:30; numbers added) Question One:

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